Part IV: Obstacles

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A/N: WOW! New part. This is my longest story yet! >o< Loving it! So it's back to Asher's point of view! I hope you enjoy the chapter! don't forget to vote and comment! (Only if you wish of course! O_O)

And sorry this chapter is so late T____T I have huge tests/exams. It sucks to be away from my writing so much.


I felt free. After unloading the truth. Pouring it all out. Then her acceptance. Get this though. After that, she feels she now has the right to push me around. As if now that I know she is some princess and "blessed child" she can bully me around! Ha! Let her try!

"Asher! Get my stuff!" she hollered back at me as she ran into her closet, "and don't come in! I'm changing!"

"Like I'd want to see that." I grumbled.

Ok. So she can bully me around. Whatever.

I walked casually out of her room, into my own. I grabbed my Jeera and looped it around my belt.

"Nath- Oh. It's you" Kassinii stared at me. Oh that devil of a girl.

"Yes. It's me", I flashed a deadly grin.

"Right. Where's Nathea?"

"She's in her closet changing attire." Kassinii's eyes narrowed,

"And how do you know that?"

I'm telling you, that woman has it in for me. I'm pretty sure that's obvious, but I wasn't gonna fight back. Yet.

"Oh no", I said sarcastically, "I just went in there and saw her changing."

Her eyes flashed dangerously. Jeez.

"She told me that she was and not to come into her room", I rolled my eyes. Kassinii seemed to take that as a good enough answer, she walked towards the door. Then suddenly stopped, she whispered,

"Muriel wants to see you."

Then she was gone. If I had been closer I would've grabbed her by the neck and asked her as politely as I could to bring me to her. But she was gone. Muriel. She was really here. I skidded out of the room, looking for a sign of Kassinii,


She was clear gone.

"How the hell am I supposed to see her if you don't bring me to her?!" I shouted after Kassinii.

"Asher?" I turned.

"Wow" I can't believe it, but my first thought was, "She's gorgeous". She was no longer wearing her dirtied gold silk dress, but a simple long sleeve t-shirt that was black and hugged her figure. She also wore baggy navy blue pants. And her hair was... different. It was clean, and tied in a ponytail. It was so much different than her usual appearance and made her look like a fighter.

She blushed shyly, "Is it ok?"

Ok? It was more than ok. But I only said,

"Yes. You look nice." The last bit popping out unexpectedly. I cut past the appearance though. "Muriel wants to see us."

"Muriel", her brow furrowed in confusion. Of course. She hadn't been there. After the skirmish when we were seperated, I had run back to the village, only for Sam to tell me Muriel was gone, blood was all over her house, and I needed to find her. The place was a ruckus, total confusion and terror littered upon the place. For who would dare hurt their elder?

Even if she was an old bat of a witch.

"Muriel's here?"

"Yes!", I grabbed her wrist and ran, "So let's go!" I steered us back to the room of glass and fish. Frankly, I hated that room. Not because of the structure or even the fact that I'm standing on thing glass, but the simple meaning it sends.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2012 ⏰

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