Part III: The Creature

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NOTE: So this is part three! Amazing! So what's up with this chapter? It's all in 3rd person main character is Nathea. Enjoy!~


Staring into the thousand eyes of the creature, Nathea couldn't move. Her finger was paused over the trigger. Each black beady eye reflected her face. Something in her broke. 

The Creature was beautiful.

A black talon came at her, she heard Asher scream her name. Then, a ringing voice filled her head.

Welcome back to the world of the living, Terasnia.

CRASH! Her head was hurting and the world was sideways. The voice still rung in Nathea's head but she was lying against a tree. The Creature was a whiles away. She realized it must've swiped at her. Terasnia? Who's Terasnia?

"NATHEA!" Asher's voice broke across her thoughts.

You are. The voice rang again. Or have you forgotten? Then Asher was beside her and picking her up,

"Come on", he growled, "What hapened?"

"Nothing", she answered, before brushing him off. She knotched the arrow back into the crossbow, holding it steady. 

"You can't kill it", he hissed back.

"Don't worry", the words were falling out of her mouth before she could stop them, "You can't kill him"

She left him gaping and wondered herself how she knew it. She sprinted towards the Whipping Willow, not looking into the Creature's eyes. She would not fall under its trance again. The Creature turned its gaze onto her. It swiveled from its spot. Aiming an arrow at one if its long talons, she pressed the trigger. A horrible loud hissing noise erupted as the arrow connected. Nathea winced.

Almost to the Whipping Willow. She heard pairs of legs clicking behind her. Chancing a quick glance, she was alarmed to see the Creature chasing after her. Steeling herself, she ran towards the tree even faster.

Long strands of Jeera hung from its branches. They were long green strands. Nathea was almost there, taking a great leap she jumped. Reaching her hand up high, she could feel the strand of Jeera in her fingers. She clamped on.

As the Creature's jaws clamped onto her ankle.

Nathea screamed. She could feel the blood squishing out of her veins and splattering upon the earthen floor. She closed her mouth, biting on her tongue, tears stinging upon her lashes she reached her other hand up. Slowly she pulled herself up, climbing with her hands up the Jeera.

Her muscles burned and yelled in protest, blood now flowed freely in her mouth from her punctured tongue. The Creature was still biting onto her ankle, making horrible crunching sounds. Nathea wasn't sure what was breaking, all her bones could be, but she didn't know. Hurt was everywhere. 

She held on with one hand, straining with all her strength. She grabbed an arrow with her free hand, then threw it at one of the Creature's many eyes. The black beaded eye fell off, and the Creature fell. 

Nathea's wound throbbed worse than ever and blood was trickling out the side of her mouth. She opened her mouth with a gasp and large splotches of blood painted on her dress. While keeping her feet limp, she heaved herself upward, straining with each pull.

The Creature growled below her.

One hand above the other. Good. Now pull. She instructed herself. Finally, her hand gripped the branch. Nathe heaved herself up. Adjusting her posistion till she was sitting on the top of the branch, she looked around. Large pools of blood were splotched over the tree and the ground, and herself. She noticed the last bit with some astonishment. Quickly pulling out a dagger Muriel has equipped her with, she cut the long strand of Jeera she had climbed up. Stuffing the Jeera into her pocket, Nathea looked at the landscape again.

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