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Kaneki and Arima already engaged in battle by the time Inami made it. She watched from above as Kaneki stood no chance  against her father. "I told you...if we were to ever cross paths again, I would  kill you." Arima reminded Kaneki. He huffed and struggled  to stay up. "Yes..I remember. But, what you did to Inami....is unforgivable!!" "She has done what I wish like a good daughter." Arima responded.  "But making her suffer for your own benefit...." Arima snapped his finger and Inami swooped down and landed in front  of Arima. "Inami...when I tell you to do something.."  "I do it..." "And if I tell you to sacrifice  yourself?"  "I'll  do it.."  "And If I tell you to kill the eyepatch.."  "......I'll do it...." Inami turned around and all of her eyes fixed on Kaneki.

"....Inami..would Yuki want you to do this?" Kaneki quickly dodged the first attack. "You know nothing  about what Yuki want's...you haven't  been  there to know anything  about her!" Kaneki was stabbed in the arm and dragged back to Inami where she grabbed his neck and slammed the back of his head in the ground. Kaneki laid there for a second before realizing that Inami was on top of him. Her eyes looked angry  but one was crying. Kaneki's eyes widened. He used his Kagune and pushed her off. Inami shot her ukaku shards and flew around him until she hit him. Kaneki  dodged the shards but his strength  was already  weakened by Arima. Kaneki slowed down by a fraction  of  a  second  and his back was impaled. Inami kicked him in the stomach and a long tongue came out from the mouth on her shoulder.  It entered one of Kaneki's wounds and his blood trailed into her. Once she was done, Inami tossed Kaneki to the side.

"...Good job Inami. But it seems like he's  still alive." She looked back at him. "Not for long." Arima grabbed her chin. He wiped the tears away from one of her  eyes. "I see...." Inami's eye widened and she tried to escape  but it was to late. Arima rammed his Quinque IAX through  her real eye. Inami screamed  and she fell to her knees. Kaneki looked at her and held his hand out. Arima looked at Kaneki, who was trying to get up. "You can't  save her...Inami was born to serve my purposes only. And If she dies doing so.....so be it." Inami  instantly  pushed Kaneki away before Arima used his IAX and impaled her with the pillars. "How sad...she seemed to sacrifice her self for you.." "Inami!!!" Kaneki screamed. She was taken down when the pillars desiderate down into ground. Arima grabbed Inami's wings and clicked his tongue.

"You don't deserve  these."

Arima ripped her wings out from her back and tossed them. Kaneki watched as Inami  screamed in pain and pleaded  for mercy. He struggled but crawled over to her. "I-Inami....!!" He grabbed her hand. All of Inami's eyes rolled back into her head."I-I can't  see....!!" After Arima was done, he pulled out smaller Quince weapons  and stabbed them into where your wings used to be. Inami screamed louder. "FATHER WHY?! I THOUGHT  YOU SAID I WOULD  BE HAPPY AGAIN?!?! YOU LIED, FATHER! YOU LIED!!.....Just like...mama......" Inami got silent and she didn't  move. "....I-....Inami?" Kaneki waited for her to move...just a little....but she didn't. "...INAMI!!" Arima kicked Kaneki in the gut and then stabbed him. "....She  was never your concern in the first place...Kaneki groaned in pain. "I'll make her happy....since you failed to as a father...Inami will be and is loved..." Arima grabbed him by the hair. "It's to late. Inami's  dead. Even if I did kill her. She wouldn't survive that body of hers." Arima stabbed him in the eye. "Neither will you..." Kaneki screamed and Arima stabbed him in the other one. He went silent and the only sound heard, is Arima walking  in the dead flowers.

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