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"Takizawa....when I hear that name,  I remember a weak human that could never get over his jealousy for one of his teammates. " Inami plainly said. "But I see you have changed.   You are welcome to assist us."  He bowed again as Inami stood. "Inami,  Its time to pick up Yuki." Kaneki said. She checked the time. "You three, help him. Oh! Have you seen Tsukiyama anywhere?" She asked, pointing out the fact that he hasn't beed around. "Something about meeting up with a friend." Nishiki answered. "I see..." Kaneki and Inami walked down the road.  "Where are we getting married?" Inami asked as they passed a church. "We can do it in a chapel, in a field." Kaneki started throwing out ideas. "A chapel will be nice.  Yuki will be the flower girl of course. Touka and Irimi will be the brides maids. " Inami kept talking about it, and made Kaneki laugh. "You've thought a lot about  this, haven't you?"

She blushed.  "mmm...." Kaneki held her hand as they walked into the school. "Ah! Mrs. Inami!" The principal called for her.  They walked into her office and saw Yuki sitting in one of the chairs. "Yuki is not in trouble but," The principal started. "I was informed by her teacher that she has trouble talking." Inami placed her hand on Yuki's shoulder. "Im sure she's just shy." Inami said. "She wouldn't work with the other students and she started crying when ever the teacher tries to talk to her.  "She doesn't have much social skills.  She'll get better, just give her time." Kaneki said next.  "I understand. Have a good day." Inami picked Yuki up and walked out of the office.

"You okay sweetheart?" Inami asked when they got outside.  "Mhm..." Yuki clinged to her. "A surprise is waiting for you at home. " Kaneki smiled. "Really?" She looked over to him. "Yep!" Inami said in reply.  "Let's hurry home,  Lucile wants to see you, too."  Yuki got down and pulled in them both. They hurried inside the house and closed the door. "Mommy...who's that?  He's scary. " Yuki hugged Inami's legs and hid behind her. "No need to be afraid.  This is Takizawa. " He looked at Yuki. "She's a human..." Inami glared and a rinkaku was only inches away from his throat.

"Do not touch her."  He backed up. Inami grabbed the two boxes and handed one to Yuki. She sat on the ground and opened it. "Its a camera!" Inami looked at it. "Its the headmaster's..." Inami said  and opened her's. "A CD?" She looked at it and put it away for now.   "So you got a camera?" She nodded and held it up. "Mommy! Let's take a picture of daddy! " Inami held it up, aimed it and took a photo.  "Huh?" Kaneki was confused. He looked at it and sighed. "I wasn't even looking at the camera. He aimed it at Inami and took a picture. She hid her face and glared at the camera. "I hate pictures....You should know this Kaneki." He only smiled and took another one.

Inami's eyebrow twitched. She snatched the camera back and gave it to Yuki. After that, Inami tackled Kaneki to the floor and held his arms down.  "Oh my.." "Im not letting you go."  The blood rushed to both of there faces. "And why's that?" Kaneki asked. "You took a picture of me." "But you took one of me?" Kaneki said back.  "Yuki asked me too." Yuki walked over with the camera and gave it to Inami. "Look mommy! Your cute when your angry!" Yuki giggled.  Inami sat on his stomach and used her feet to hold down his arms while she looked at the picture.  "Hmmmm....I hate pictures." She showed it to Kaneki,  who finally just gave up. "See, Yuki thinks your cute. And so do I." He smirked anf used all his force to push himself up and pin her to the ground. "How rude..." Inami put her feet under him and flipped him over. Yuki layed down with them. 

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?! IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" Cas yelled. "Oh, Cas..your still alive.  I was sure you were just a corpse in a bed. "  Inami giggled with Yuki. Cas scoffed and left.

Later that night, Inami changed into her battle uniform and put on her mask and coat. She walked into the living room and woke up Takizawa. "Your coming with me." Kaneki and everyone else was asleep. "Where are we going miss?" He asked. "We're going to speak to the head of the CCG."

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