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It's been about a month since Haise left on his mission with the quinxs. Inami finally was able to walk,run, pick things up, and exercise on her own again. She normally spent her mornings working out. Arima gave her a new uniform and put her back in his squad. It was late evening when Haise and everyone else got back. Yuki was still up and was helping Ita in the nursery. Inami still slept there while Ita ran tests on her. Haise knocked  on the door and opened  it. Yuki turned around and smiled. "Daddy!" She hugged him tightly and he smiled. "I missed you Yuki, how's  mommy?" Yuki smiled. "Mommy can walk and run now! She works out every day and gets stronger!" Haise was surprised. "Really? That was fast. "  "Haise." 

A voice said behind him. Haise turned around and saw Inami looking at him. "Mommy!" Yuki hugged her next. Haise stared at Inami in the CCG uniform and was shocked. "Inami, I missed you." He smiled to her. "Your company was needed as well. I need your report so I can turn it into Arima.'' Haise pulled a stack of  papers out from his bag and handed it to her. She flipped through  them to make sure. "Thank you." She started walking away when Haise reached out and grabbed her arm. "Inami--..."  "We'll have time to catch up after work. It's almost time  for  me to be off so just wait until  then." Inami didn't look at him when she said that. She started walking away again. "I'm glad your back.." She said before entering the elevator.

"Mommy's back to normal!"  "She seems colder some how." Haise said walking back in the nurses office. "Haise! Do you mind moving Inami's belongings to her room? Yuki can show you the way."  "Inami doesn't need to sleep here anymore?" "No not anymore. I'm letting her go!" Haise smiled. "Good, thank you for everything Mrs.Ita. Oh! Do you need my blood?" She shook her head. "No not this time. Her bags are over there." Haise picked them up. "They're  heavy??" "Yes, those are drugs for her...Arima has a feeling that Inami may lose control of her mind. There are syringes filled with a drug that will  make her unconscious. Sadly it won't  turn her back to normal." Haise pulled out a syringe with red liquid inside. "Please only use that when it is absolutely necessary...it will be extremely  painful for her once this medicine enters her body."

Haise put the drug away and smiled. "I doubt I'll need it." He followed Yuki upstairs and helped set up Inami's room. "My room is next door daddy. Mr.Koori said you and mommy need your privacy." Haise chuckled. "Thank you Yuki. It's late so I'll put you  to bed." Yuki nodded. "Okay daddy!" Haise picked her up and carried her to her own room. Yuki changed clothes as Haise set her bed up. "Good night  daddy." Yuki said climbing into bed. "Good night Yuki." He rubbed her head and turned the lights out.

Inami was walking down the hall when he closed her door. "Inami!" He smiled. "I'm off work now...thank you for caring for Yuki." Inami said entering the other room. Haise followed her and closed the door behind him. "I'm glad to see you healthy. You look a lot better." Inami untied her hair that was up in a ponytail. She removed her coat and shoes and placed them in the closet. Haise undid his tie and also removed his coat and shoes. "Arima was impressed by your report. He's really proud of you.." Inami said sitting down on the bed. "I think he's more proud of you than me." He chuckled and sat down beside her. "I know this is weird but I really think of him as my own father..." Haise admitted. Inami glared a bit and undid the first button on her shirt, then the next and until her shirt was removed. "Eh? What are you doing?" Haise asked. "Getting a bath. Do you want to come?" Haise chuckled and scratched his cheek. "I could use one." Inami started the water and the two of them proceeded to bathe together. "Inami...I hope we can work together one day. I would  really enjoy it." Haise smiled. "I see...why do you like me?" Haise stared at her. "Because your unique. And I feel like I can't leave you like Kaneki did."

She scoffed. "So it's out of pitty?" Haise sighed and cupped her face in his hands. "All you need to know and believe is that I love you." Inami looked him in the eyes as he leaned in and kissed her. "Let's hurry out of this bath....I want to treat you well tonight. If you will let me." Inami blushed slightly and averted her eyes. "So you can get flustered."  Inami looked back at him. "Well when you talk about something like that, of course I will be." Haise chuckled and grabbed her sides. "Well, how 'bout it? We both deserve some pleasure, right?" Inami was pulled closer to him. "....Yes...." They kissed deeper this time. Soon, Haise carried her out of the tub and placed her on the bed. Crawling on top, Haise dragged his fingers all over her body. Inami watched as he explored her pale body. She let him take over as she just enjoyed everything.

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