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Requested by: therutabaga

(Y/N) POV:
You hummed to myself softly as you did your makeup for the day. Today you were going to warped tour to see your boyfriend of almost 4 years Awsten, in which you had not seen in a very long time due to tour so you were super exited! You would get to spend the whole day with him and the guys and watch their set. As You finished your makeup and hair you got a text from Awsten, which said to meet him at the bus parking and he would take you to their bus before their set. You quickly replied and headed out the door of your apartment and got in you car then drove to the venue. Lucky for you the venue warped was at was only a 30 minuet drive from where you live.


Once you arrived and parked you car you made your way to bus parking and looked for Awsten. After 2 minuets or so you spotted him leaning up against a sigh and you ran towards him. He must have heard you running and looked up, a huge grin appeared on his face and he opened his arms for a hug. Which you gladly excepted. After your long needed hug, you both shared a kiss and began to walk back to the water parks bus. On your walk there you noticed that Awsten was acting a little strange, nervous almost? "Hey you ok babe?" You asked him "who me phss, yeah! I'm great!" He says "ok then whatever you say" you said with a giggle.


Awsten strange behavior continued for the rest of the time you you were together. Finally it was time for the boys to go on of their set. You were so exited to watch them preform. As the boys went on stage  it seemed to be that Awsten was even more nervous, but you ignored your worries and continued to watch them play. When it comes to their last song of the set, which was pink, your favorite. Awsten sighs and says "Can I have everyone's attention for a minute. I need everyone's help in welcoming someone onstage right now, can you do that?" The crowd cheers and he says "Alright (Y/N) come out here babe!" He says and you reluctantly and shyly go out. You had no idea why you were out here but hey, you were. And then the music to pink started playing and Awsten sang the whole song to you, never breaking eye contact. After the song was over he walks over to you and takes your hand and says "well I didn't just call you out here to sing to you I also have something very important to ask you." He says "(Y/N), I have known you for 8 years now. And half of those years I have been lucky enough to call you mine. These past four years have been the best years of my life, and I wish you could make the rest of my life as happy as that," then he gets down on one knee and says "so will you make me the happiest human being alive, and (Y/N), will you marry me?" He says with a warm and hopeful grin on his face "yes! yes! Of corse! Of corse I'll marry you!" You say through tears and he slips the ring on your finger and hugs you like never before. After that he pulls you into a sweet kiss and the crowd goes insane. Awsten wraps up the set, and you both head home, with smiles that never left your faces.

Hope you enjoy!! xx

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