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requested by: DunWithFun

You sigh to yourself as you sit on your bed waiting for Awsten to finish up getting ready. Today was the dreaded day you and Awsten were going to your parents house for dinner. You knew they wouldn't be accepting of your relationship with Awsten because he's in a band and has blue hair. "Hey babe I'm ready!" Awsten chirps as he enters the room, but then sees your nervous face and pulls you in for a hug. "Hey it'll be fine, we'll be fine" he says and kisses your head and pulls you out the door.

*at your parents house*

You pull into your parents drive way and sit in the car for a bit, not wanting to go in at all. But eventually Awsten drags you out of the car up to the front steps and you hesitantly knock on the door. The door opens to reveal your mother standing there "(y/n)! How have you been sweetheart?" Your mother says, flat out ignoring your boyfriend. "I've been good, and this is Awsten. My boyfriend you wanted to meet." You say "it's great to finally meet you mrs.(y/l/n)." Awsten says while extending his hand politely "ah, I see. Hello Awsten." Your mother says with no emotion and walks into the house. Awsten has a blank expression on his face and lowers his hand and follows you into the house. You apologized to Awsten for the rudeness of you mother, and he shakes it off and continues the time. "Hi dad!" You say as you enter the living room where you father sat. "Hey princess!" He says hugging you. "This is Awsten, my boyfriend" you say happily and your dad, being polite unlike your mother says "nice to meet you son" and extends his hand which Awsten happily shakes "pleasure to finally meet you too sir." With a smile. "Diner is ready!" Your mother yells from the kitchen. You all walk in and have a seat. You and Awsten on one side and your parents on the other. "So when did you take an interest in changing you hair color Awsten?" You mother asks with a disapproving look "oh-i-I um well i dyed it pink a little over 3 years ago-and-um then blue" he stutters. You felt so awful for having to lut him in this situation "and what do you do for a living?" You dad says joining in "well I'm in a band, and we tour a lot, and record music and travel" he says a little more confidently. "And you leave our daughter alone when you travel" your father says annoyed "no no no! I take her with me when I leave" he says trying to save himself from all the harsh statements you family was making. "YOUR NO GOOD FOR OUR DAUGHTER, YOU JUST LEAVE HER AND DEFACE YOUR BODY AND YOUR A BAD INFLUENCE YOU MUST BE STUPID TO NOT SEE THAT!" your mother roared "HEY! SHE IS NOT STUPID! I CANT BELEIVE HER OWN PARENTS WONT REAPECT HER AND LET HER MAKE HER OWN DECISIONS HOW DARE YOU EVEN SAY SUCH A THING!" Awsten screamed taking your hand and running out of the house driving home. Once you got home you both went in and sat on the couch "hey, you okay baby?" Awsten asks concerned "yeah I'm fine, I'm so sorry they put you through that. Are you alright?" "Hey hey it's not your fault, don't blame yourself and yes I'm fine" he smiles leaning his forehead against yours. "Let's just cuddle and watch movies" he says smirking "sounds good to me!" You say. And the day turned out a little less shitty.

hope you enjoyed!! xx

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