july 18 2017 - life

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You know how you just stand and watch and just keep on waiting for every bad moment to pass. You feel like tomorrow should be better because why not? Tomorrow is new. Tomorrow is unseen. That is what I have been doing for the past year. It feels like I am no longer the writer of my own story. It feels like I just sold the copyrights of my life to some unseen, unknown person and that person had decided to write a horror story instead of a one filled with unicorns and rainbows. Oh how I hate it when people say that life is hardship. I mean haven't I already endured enough hardship to last for a whole lifetime. You know the feeling when you start to lose your mind. I bet you do because everyone is insane and crazy and fucked up in their own ways. Now don't start to defend how everyone is not the same person and that how not everything is bad. Let me tell you something. Have you ever heard of how serial killers work? They kill people but why do they really do it? Perhaps they are thrilled by seeing someone die slowly or maybe they want sexual gratification or maybe they find the attention they get by doing that as beautiful as love. How is that any different from any other people— us people. Don't we fight for attention? Don't we back stab others just to push them down and see them suffer. Don't we try our hardest to seduce another person even when they are not interested. Now I can see your mind turning into a defense machine. I know what serial killers do is extremes but that doesn't mean what fucked up back stabbers do is different.
This is 18 July 2017 and this is my first letter.
This is the beginning of my end.

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