Part 14

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Imogen's POV

I can't lie about the fact...I have a shopping addiction! That's why when I heard we could all have a girls day I couldn't wait to go and splurge my hard earned cash on some new things. Lush, Lipsy, primark, name it, we went in and in most cases bought something. Although all of us girls are pretty much best friends we can't deny the fact that Ame and I and Carlie and Simone are closer.

It was good that we were close knit as a group. There were rarely arguments, we all have the same sense of humour and outlook on life so when we all decided earlier on in the day to have a pizza party and Ame and Joel's place I couldn't wait to just sit in cosy onesies with a massive pizza and the people around me that I love. Plus it meant cuddle time with Andy which I always loved.

Ame's POV

We got back quite quick and only 20 minutes later the boys were home. I caught them on the stairs just to remind them...

"Boys!! Don't forget!! Onesies and pizza in an hour!!"

"We know, we know!!" Adam laughed back.

"Joely!! I've missed you baby! How was work?"

"Long! But in 2 days we start the full on rehearsals for The wanted's tour so it'll get a bit more hectic over the next month or so"

We literally turned to go into our flat when it happened...Ryan screaming Carlie's name from the floor above. Joel and I looked at eachother with worry written across our faces before running to Adam's and Andy's flats. By the time we got upstairs Ryan was hugging Carlie tighter than ever before, biting his lip to hold back the tears that inevitably fell.

"What happened?" Andy quietly muttered with such sympathy and concern in his voice.

Ryan simply nudged the box towards us before wrapping his arms back around Carlie who's heavy cries were silent and heart breaking.

"Your ex did this?"

Carlie just nodded and as I saw what was next in the box I felt a sickly feeling like never before. The silver blade catching my eye.

"There's a piece of paper in here you know Carlie?"

"what does it say?" She said worried, her voice croaky and hoarse.

"I don't make threats I make promises"

Her face said it all. She'd heard this before. I don't think any of us knew how we could possibly comfort them. They were being blackmailed and threatened just for being in love and somehow we were going to help them through it and help them feel safe. I mean, these were our best friends, people we had worked with for a while. I know that If Joel and I were in this situation we would want this amount of support so that's exactly what they had to get from us.

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