Part 35

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Carlie's POV

"Now this is where you'll be staying for the next however long"

We had said goodbye to all of our loved ones and now the time had come to move home. I was sad to be leaving the flat in a way. It was where everything started for Ryan and I, we became a couple in that very building and had our most romantic moments. I was very reluctant to live here, the way I had been imagining it was iron bars on the windows, cameras left right and center, pokey and cold feeling rooms but to our surprise, it was beautiful. It did have a metal fence surrounding it but it was actually quite nice, like what a celebrity may have to keep out paparazzi. There were cameras about but they could be switched off by us if needs be and as far as the whole appearance and space throughout the house, It was so roomy and warm, it felt like a real home and now we could finally feel like we were safe at last. It even had things like a gym and pool so we could get the exercise we needed. Ryan was still on some pain relief, but all of our family and friends now had what they needed to visit us as often as they liked, we had talked our way into 2 hours accompanied free time a week and to celebrate we had all decided a housewarming party would be the perfect way to enjoy our first weekend in our new home, knowing "Aiden" was being looked for and that maybe in less time than we thought, We could be back living with the others and on the road.

Ryans POV

I told Carlie that this whole party was for our new house, But the truth is, when we were saying goodbye to everyone, I put a note in Andys pocket. It explained to him what was happening and about the party and what I needed him to do. He had to go out and get something for me but he had to keep it completely a secret. I had wanted this to happen for a while and it certainly wasn't the way I wanted to do it but you gotta work with what you have. Everyone else was going to bring food and drinks along because obviously Carlie and I couldn't go anywhere and we felt we needed couple time and so I took her out to an Indian restaurant for our free time. It was so quiet and romantic that I felt like it was just the two of us and no one else was there. We sat there eating, drinking and talking for what felt like hours but with just 20 minutes before we would be escorted home, we headed to the internet café to keep in contact with the fans.

"Hey Geese, Just out for a meal and decided to take this opportunity to say how much we love you for all of your support. I'm gunna randomly follow a bunch of you all now to show how much you all mean to me"

We followed about 100 fans at random, trying to watch out for their reactions which was often just a load of fangirl talk. Before we knew ot our time was up and we were in the car being driven home, not ling before everyone arrived for the big party. We quickly threw away all of our empty boxes that had previously held our belongings, hoovered up and made everything as tidy as it possibly could be before the first people arrived, The boys. Andy quickly pulled me to one side, Hid the object in my pocket and we moved back over like nothing had happened. Before we knew it Carlies family were here, followed by the girls and management, my family and finally the guys from the wanted, Including a very reluctant and nervous Jay. Everyone was drinking and having fun, we had music playing, And as the evening progressed I could see everyone around me getting more and more tipsy, but I had to stay sober. As the minutes got closer I felt my heart beating faster and faster, my hands becoming more clammy and an overwhelming feeling that I might back out at any minute. The time had come, but I knew I had to do this now. I picked up a wine glass and lightly tapped a fork on the side to gain everyones attention, I tried to speak but nerves had taken over my voice making my usually clear voice husky and dry. While everyone was looking I cleared my throat and began to speak.

"So you all believe you're here for a housewarming party tonight, but that's not quite true. I actually organised this party because there's something I want to do. I didn't exactly want it under these circumstances but I feel like it's the right time, so without further ado..."

I got down then and there in front of her, On one knee. She gasped before her face turned red and she began to cry, endless tears of what I hoped was happiness and Joy.

"Carlie, for months and months I had to love you from afar, Seeing you with someone else absolutely killed me inside and so when you were finally in my arms I never wanted to let you go. We've definitely had a lot of drama going on this last week but if anything, it's brought us closer together. Knowing I could have died last week made me think about so much and then it hit me, I might have gone without ever getting married to the woman I love, and after you saved my life, lay with me outside in the cold and never left my side I can't ever risk that happening again. Carlie, Will you marry me?"

She cried a little while longer, our families were crying, the girls were crying and even some of the lads were crying. She took a deep breath to compose herself before she looked in my eyes and answered.

"Yes you softy!! of course I will!!" I slipped the diamond ring onto her finger, I stood up and we kissed, everyone around us not knowing whether to cheer, clap or look away. I felt a little more complete now, knowing she would be Mrs Carlie Fletcher. This was like the bond that was gunna tie us together forever. I was the happiest man alive.

*an hour after the party had finished*

My future wife and I were just sat there embracing one another. Carlie kept gazing down at the glimmering piece of jewellery that adorned her finger and smiled. She was beaming, and that was was a wonderful thing to see. This was a new life for us, and just as we were beginning to adjust to it, we got a phone call that would be the icing on the cake.


"Hi Ryan, it's the sergeant here, we have some important news in the case already."

"Really?! what is it?"

"Well he hasn't been found, but lets say he messed up"

"You mean you know who he is?"

"Yes. He might have thought he was being sneaky and thought he'd gone to all of the stops to protect his identity, but he slipped up. You see, when he was waiting for you to go into the alley, we believe he hid some belongings in a bin. There was nothing there, but obviously prints were taken on the bin and around the area. Lots of them were found, and by sheer chance we found an unidentifiable print which we did a run of on the system"

"And it was his?"

"Yes. The man who you have known as Aiden Coleman for the last few years is infact "James Lawrence"...One of the 20 most dangerous men in the country"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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