Part 21

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Ame's POV

The next morning rehearsals began for The Wanted's tour so it would be 2 weeks straight of work with no days off, for the boys anyway. The four boys headed to a London studio (Although waking up with no Ryan in our flat looked worrying at first) Myself, Simone and Imogen were all popping down too to help out where we could but Carlie was off the hook. Once every few weeks she would take a day off to teach a dance class of 18-25's. She had always loved dance, she took it from a very young age, competed and performed for most of her life until she left school and she pretty much just gave it up. Maybe it would be an escape for her though, like a day away from madness. Maybe she would feel a little safer too but she seemed happy enough heading out. It made us all wonder what actually happened last night.

Carlie's POV

Before I left I quickly swallowed some paracetamol, got dressed and headed for the dance studio. I ran through the studio doors, late as usual. 

"I'm so sorry everyone, typical me late as usual" 

"hungover?" one of the other dancers said laughing. 

"You know me, of course I'm hungover, but that doesn't mean I'm not gunna dance my butt off hahaa" 

"Obviously...anyway, what's with you and the huge grin?" 

"She had a bit of fun with Ryan last night I bet hahaa" one of the other dancers Shannon said, I just stood laughing, my cheeks becoming more red by the minute.

"Nooooo! of course I never hahaa" 

"You did! don't deny it Carlie! oooooh! scale of 1-10, 10 being the best?" 



"Course not really! I'm not gunna tap and tell am I?" At that very moment I heard a throat clear, A mans voice so I knew it wasn't a dancer. I turned around and there he was stood, my ex Aiden. When I ran from his I knew he would probably come back to me at some point. I just didn't expect it here, so seeing him there in front of me made the adrenaline kick in.

"What are YOU doing here? This isn't the time or place!"

"Don't be like that Carlie? and don't you know It's rude to talk about your boyfriend in front of your ex? the last thing I wanted to know was that you banged him last night!" 

"look why are you here Aiden? I know what I did was wrong but please! why can't you just leave me be! I'm here to teach dance because I'm actually trying to earn a living myself. Just 'cause the man I love is in a band doesn't mean I wanna be mooching off of him!" 

"The man you love? pffft don't make me laugh! you might love him but I can guarantee he doesn't love you back! no one will ever love you with an attitude like that Carlie! you haven't changed one bit! That band you work for probably just look at you as a groupie, someone they can have whenever they want because you're that much of a slapper you open your legs to anyone!" rather than trying to argue back I just stood still, tears welling in my eyes. I should have known this would happen after what I did the night before.

"see, you're not even fighting back because you know it's true! you're worthless Carlie, that's why I was f***ing around behind your back when we were together! I only used you cause you were an easy!, you would do anything I asked! Ryan's probably with sleeping with someone now behind your back just like I was for all those years!" I lost it. I walked towards him, pulling back my fist and threw it against the side of his face causing him to blackout...

The whole class, all 28 students looked on in shock. My hand began instantly throbbing, my knuckles turning purple. 

"Shannon, get my phone and ring Ryan and tell him to come here straight away for me?" 

"yeah no worries Carlz...Hello? Ryan? It's Shannon one of Carlie's dancers, It's an emergency, she needs you to come to the studio NOW!" within 10 minutes he was here, he ran through the door and towards me. 

"Carlie are you okay?? who is this?" 

"my ex and I think I might have broken my hand" at that moment Aiden started to come round, Muttering the words "you'll pay for this". Ryan ran towards him like a charging bull, grabbed him by the throat and held him against the wall. 

"You think It's funny calling people worthless?, saying I don't love her? 'cause I f***ing do!!! And unlike you she actually loves me!" By this point Aiden was slowly turning purple from a lack of oxygen.

 "And you know what? I'm gunna marry her one day and have a family! And When you're locked up in a prison cell, We'll be looking at you through the bars just LAUGHING at the psychotic failure you are!! all of your threats and actions are gunna come back on you one day because you know what? Karma's a bitch!" Ryan pulled Aiden away from the wall, then pushed him back with some force to hear Aiden let out a "AHH!" He then released him, Aiden then ran out leaving us and the dancers alone. 

"What the hell just happened?! I feel like I'm in some kind of movie?"

"what just happened is unfortunately my life right now" I said still worrying about the condition of my hand.

"Ryan, did you really mean all of that stuff you said about Carlie? about the marriage and family?"

"Of course I did, I love her more than words can even begin to say! Couple of years from now I'd love to have the works, a house of our own with a garden path and white picket fence, kids, a dog and a family car parked out front"

I ran up to him crying, but this time tears of joy. He had basically described everything I wanted in the future, and I couldn't wait to share mine with him!

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