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"Stop right there!!"loudly said Kapuji/The Gate Keeper.
"What happened!?".
"I'm the gate keeper here!.. Prove your identity and I'll let you go in!"Demanded Kapuji/The Gate Keeper. "Ah...Give me patience Allah!! O Melun! I am Nasuh! Mehmud Pasha's servant! He has sent a letter to Our Kader Sultan!"Angered Nasuh Agha. "Let him go.. I know him well!!"announced Kapuji-Bashi/Head Gate Keeper as he walked near them. Nasuh Agha thanked him and went in with his horse.


They were in the forest 🌳, In their working hut.
The sky was covered by strong rainy clouds and cold wet winds were blowing from the west informing people to have necessary things done.


"I really am sorry! I will come early tomorrow.. Promise!!..and will do this!!"said Roilena getting back from the wood table where she was cutting small pieces of wood into tiny ones for their new project. "Hah!! Okay!!"annoyed Victoria. "Come on!! We are best friends don't act like that!!"said Roilena making a disappointing face. "Rolo!! Its okay!!"happily said Victoria giving her a smile. "I knew you would understand!!"smiled Roilena and they went outside of the hut.
"Sisters!!! Sisters!!! Run run run!!!"Shouted a boy running towards them, breathing heavily then, pointed towards the town and ran away. "Wait..wait!! What happened!!??"shouted Roilena. "Roilena!!!!come here!!!!"shouted Victoria. They ran to the village side and saw every thing burning even some of the people. "No no no!!! Mommy...!!"screamed Roilena and suddenly some men came forward and took away Victoria (They had worn a long thick leather suit with daggers on their left and sharp swords hanging at their waists on the right.
"Victoriaaaa!!!"cried Roilena. "Stop!! You morons.. Leave her!!"shouted Roilena and tried to fight them but one of the man slapped her and pushed her away resulting her to fall on the ground. "No...Noo....Roilena.!!!!"cried Victoria.
Roilena was helpless on the ground and felt foots on her as everyone was running here and there when one man came and pulled her onto a donkey cart where some girls were tied including Victoria.


"It will be a boy!"Proudly said Gulbahar Hatun. "My Hatun! Don't be like that! Its an piece of advice!"said Maria. "Maria! Why not....I'll be a Sultana!!"said Gulbahar Hatun."Yes you will be but don't be proud, it will only result in destroying you my dear!"said Maria. "Thats why you are my only friend in this Harem Maria! I'm happy to see you on my side!!"Smiled Gulbahar Hatun. "So nice of you!"Smiled Maria.

Gulbahar notices an Agha secretly talking to Bulbul Agha and then suddenly Bulbul Agha went away.


"Assalamualaikum!"said Bulbul Agha as he walked forward from the passage to the last section of the palace."Walaikumassalam!"smiled Nasuh Agha. "Why are you here Nasuh!?"asked Bulbul Agha. "Here you go! Give this to Kader Sultan! Specially I was sent here to deliver it as Pasha said
it holds a very important and fragile message!!"explained Nasuh Agha and put the letter in Bulbul Agha's hand. "As you order! My Agha!"smiled Bulbul Agha and left.

Meanwhile In The Capital,

"We'll wait till Kader Sultan arrives and I think the letter must've been delivered to her!"said Mehmud Pasha.
"But the body must be buried right away! My Pasha!"said Şeyhülislam Mustafa Efendi.


"Kader Sultan Hazretleri!" An announcement made to notify that Kader Sultan is in the presence now.

Kader Sultan was wearing a beautiful gown which was deep blue in color and had imitated diamonds 💎 on the sleeves and on the chest area making a V type of symbol and she was also wearing a beautifully designed scarf.

Kader Sultan walked into the harem with her Royalty attitude which a sultana must have and then smiled at Gulbahar and went to the royal sofa right in the center right corner. "My Sultana! How are you?"said Jihan Hatun getting closer to her. "I'm fine Jihan Hatun! How are you?"smiled Kader Sultan. "I got better since I saw your blessed face!" Smiled Jihan Hatun. "And Congratulations 🎉!". "Oh thanks Jihan!"Said Kader Sultan.
Jihan Hatun smiled and went back to her place. "My Sultana! You look gorgeous MashaAllah!"said Gulbahar Hatun. "Thankyou Gulabhar!"smiled Kader Sultan.
Jihan Hatun Started the recitation.

"..... The recitation has started! I must not disturb My Sultana!"muttered Bulbul Agha. "But that Melun told me to immediately give this letter to her!"muttered Bulbul Agha and then rolled her eyes and walked forward to the entrance of the harem.
Kader Sultan suddenly noticed him entering the harem. Bulbul Agha showed her the letter rolled in his hands and Kader Sultan made a suspicious face as she saw the letter.
She decided to go check out what was that about and she stood up and signed Jihan Hatun ,as Jihan was looking for her order, not to stop but continue the recitation. Gulbahar was shocked at her when she was leaving the place during recitation.

"Come with me!".
Kader Sultan muttered and went to the passageway to her room.

"What is it about Bulbul?"asked Kader Sultan. "I really don't know! My Sultana!"replied Bulbul Agha. "Huh! I left that special environment just to get that reply from you!"annoyed Kader Sultan and took the letter from his hands and opened it.

Her annoyed face expression faded and developed into a shocked sad face, she couldn't control herself because what was written in that letter caused her to cry.
"My Sultana!".
It echoed in her ears when she saw Bulbul Agha getting closer to her.

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