Im heRe s0 wHere ARe yOu¿

17 1 0

The black beast seems to be pulling faster and faster, as if it knows I'm awake. Maybe it's rushing to get where it needs to go, why? Perhaps it's trying to get out the way of something? Anyway that doesn't matter right now, we're getting closer to the grate and I've got to do something!

I feel a cool breeze,making me shiver and pulling me into reality. Im not gonna be able to stun this thing for long, so running away isn't an option at all... It's got to be the grate! Like I said I'm not going to be able to distract it for long, but if I get a good hit on the head it should give me enough time to slide into the hole and get away!

The grate is upon us, and it looks like I'm being dragged over it. I take a deep breath, and ready myself. In one swift movement I roll myself towards the side of the road (with its claws anchoring me to the middle of the road) and grab the biggest, bluntest rock I can grasp. I don't bother to check if "it" has realised I've moved, I steady myself on my back  and screem loudly to surprise the beast.

As I throw the rock everything suddenly turns slow. Clearly hearing my screem, it loosens it's grip on my ankle (giving me room to kick it's claws off me and break free) and turns. My heart stops for a moment as I see its face and its huge gaping jaws.

When the rock enters it's throat I hear a thud, and as if I was being resuscitated- my heart starts beating again. The feeling of slow motion is irradicated, leaving me an opportunity to clamber backwards towards the grate, I was previously dragged over.

When I turn my back to unhinge the circular plate,the black-headed monster (aka blackhead, aka the thing that's probably trying to kill me and eat my heart) is still stumbling around. I grip the tips of my fingers into the small crevasses of the grate and pull. My fingers slip! I try again and this time lift the grate Just high enough to slip my hands underneath and lift, although it's too late my fingers slip again and this time a loud noise occurs. The cool breeze picks up into a heavy, storming fog, causing the numbness of my fingers to increase.

Black head had heard the noise and was now striving for me, each foot stomping closer and closer . I attempt to relift the grate but it's no use! Its got my foot again! Before I have time to react I'm pulled backwards and thrown across the ground to the edge of the road. Barely breathing I sit up on the curb, just watching it come closer to me, ready to deal it's final strike. Within metres from me it stops and looks towards the road I was just dragged down. It let's out a monstrous yet fearfull screech and runs.

What? I think to myself. Then i see them, edging closer and closer by the second.

Why couldn't I have stayed with the monster?

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