Tiring Dreams.

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In the front part of the store there are a few benches and tables with clothes laid upon them. Wrapped in plastic and free from the dust. I can't seem to climb the front desk so i use a nearby stool to get over, and land on the hard wooden floor on the other side. The entire front of the building is one big window with frames and a door, so i have to be carefull and perhaps stay hidden behind one of the two pillars centering the room.

One of the plastic bags contains a black rain coat without a hood, so that was useless for keeping my head dry although good enough for now. Another had a hoody, which seemed surprisingly thin,but warm. I pull it on over my gown and pair it with the matching trousers which was folded in. I dust myself down and grab a pair of boots off the side of the table next to me.
Crap, now I can't get back over the desk! I'm such an idiot... Looking around the room I spot another door, and walk to it.


I hear a gun shot crashing through the window of the shop, immediately I fall back behind the pillar, and again I tuck my feet in to hide.

"What was that?!"  a man shouted, seeming not to have seen me.

"In the shop! I saw the creature!"

It was the same woman as before!

No! The group tasked to find me, actually doubled back up the road!
...They think I'm blackhead? The monster? Thank God they mustn't have seen me! Now's my chance!

I bolt for the door and slam through it!


The door opened into a storeroom cupboard, with boxes all around, a chair in the corner and a ladder leading to the roof. I prop the chair up against the door handle and it falls...
Looking around panicking, I spot the ladder and run for it. I hear the running and shouting of the people behind the door, as they open it. Halfway up the ladder I stop and attempted to push open the latch, the door is opened just as I get the exit open. The ladder slips from under my feet.

I grab the ledge and try to pull myself up, but I can't. The men beneath me are pulling at my feet, kicking my boots I manage to get them free. What shall I do! Im going to fall, i close my eyes and let my hands slip...

Thats when a strong but soft hand grabs me and pulls me up onto the roof. My eyes still shut as I hear the latch close and hear the calm yet sturn voice of a girl.

" Open your eyes, we have to leave!"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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