.Notging mkaes s3nsE

21 1 0

Still sat down I realise they're getting closer and closer still, but through all the fog and wind, they hadn't spotted me yet. Thank God. I stay low to the ground, hunching my back as much as possible whilst I quickly make my way off the road and into an alleyway between two buildings.

The road is straight and wide, stretching all the way from the town hall to the street corner I am now. The crossroad looks to be a threeway system, with the main road (the one  I  seemed to have been dragged down) and another cutting into it- similar to a "T" shape.

I make my way to the back of the alleyway, attempting to climb the fence which cuts it off. Its no use...
As the men in the hazmat suits edge closer I panic. With no where left to hide I crouch by the side of a garbage container tucking my legs in so they don't see me. With my back to the wall, the garbage container shielding my right, the gate on my left and the opposite building 3-4 metres infront, sandwiching me i suppose, I have nowhere left to go...

I hear  several voices coming from the street.

"Did you see where the boy
went?" a man asks.

Another replies, " nah, what about the creature? Wher'd that run off too?"

I hear the clicking of what appears to be a torch, as a stream of light cuts through the fog and alleyway. The shadow of the bin barely conceals the edges  of my slippers. This time I hear a woman's voice.

" nope nothing down here, sorry to dissapoint..."

Their voices trail off into the distance as they continue down the road.

Carefully and silently I stand up and peer round the corner of the building, looking down the street to make sure they're long gone. It seems they are, it also seems the wind is picking up again. With a gown and a pair of  cotton slippers on me, i doubt I'm going to last long outside. I look up at the building I was hiding behind.

"Deby's ironing" it reads.

Perfect! I'll hide here. I try to enter through the front door and of course it's locked... Hmm..perhaps there's another way to get in? I look back round into the alleyway and there seems to be a small window I could maybe fit through. Its so high though. I spend another moment looking around and see the bin I was hiding behind, this just might work! I pull the handles of the container and nothing  budges, so I get behind it and push. This seems to move it! Only a little, but it's enough, before I know it I've moved it just under the window!

Once I climb inside I remain as quiet as possible, stepping down through the window and over the countertop. I jump down onto the floor and take in my surroundings. I seem to be in the backroom of the store, still quite cold but less harsh than outside. The room is small and narrow with just enough room for countertops and  cupboards. The end of the room contains a white wooden door, with cracks trailing down it.

I turn the handle and the door creaks open, revealing a large hallway leading to the front of the building and two other doorways imbetween.

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