The signs of evil.

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Chung Lang P.O.V

"Ema! Get in here!" I shouted to my secretary.

I then herd running footsteps coming to my door.
The door burst open to revel a yong, tall, and tired looking secretary. I haven't been working her that hard have I?

"Yes sir!" Ema asked.

"Well it's about time, I've been calling you for ages."

"Yes, I know sir. My alarm didn't go off."

"I don't care." I said bluntly. "I called you in here to go get me a coffee, I'm tired."

"Yes sir, sorry sir. Is that all sir."

"Yes that is it." I replied. She nodded as she turned to leave. "Oh wait, I also need you to find my son. That lazy boy is probably asleep still. Oh and I have to know, how do you run in heels and a skirt?"

"It's not easy let me tell you. Any way, I'll get him here sir." She said as she walked out the door her long blonde hair whipping out behind her.

I hopped down off my chair to the floor. The disadvantages of being so short.

I walked over to the large windows of my skyscraper. After all these years I still couldn't believe how fortunate I was to have such a seccesful business.
I suppose being imortal has its advantages.
But of course I can't look yong, I have to look so old.
Of course like all things it has its disadvantages as well, such as loosing so many people you care about...

"May." I whispered sadly to my self.

I've lost so many people, so many. So many things, my old home, my brother, my wife, my daughter's. I hate this curse. Onley a fool would think it was a gift.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. But I quickly wiped it away as I herd someone open my door.

"What did you need me for Chung?" The voice grumbled.

"Son, call me father please. And show some respect."

"I've told you, I'm not your son!"

"I adopted you Russell! You are my son!" I retorted sternly.

"Whatever." He grumbled. "What did you want?"

I sighed in annoyance. "I just need you hear so you can learn how to manage everything for this business one day."

"Why? Your never going to die, you can just run it forever."

"I know!" I shouted. "But you will die! You may have super powers, but you have to learn normal things to. When you were left on my doorstep as a baby because your parents were afraid of you I decided to take you as my own, but you have to respect me! Your lucky enough people knew I was a divine divergent to."

Russells hands started to light on fire, then it turned to ice, then lightning, then bright lights.
When this starts to happen, when he starts to lose control of his power his powers that can do practically everything, I know he's mad.
He's classified as a level ten, code name sovereign.

But so am I.

"Settle down, we don't need everyone in Colorado to know who you are, your lucky ema already knows."

He definitely wasn't settling down yet.

Pure energy started fuming of me. I lifted my hand and shot one small ball of energy at him.
It flew right at him leaving a misty wake behind. The lights in the room dimmed as it past each one.
When it collided with his body his brown hair stood on end. I morphed it into a brace around his body so he couldn't move.

"I said settle down." I commanded.

He slumped over, his eyes losing there glow and going back to brown.
Then the energy around his body disappeared.

"I - I'm sorry" he stuttered. "Let me just go fix my hair then we can get started."

As his tall frame walked out the door I took a long and deep sigh.

I flipped on the TV.
It was on a news station.

"We are getting reports of a hostage situation Phil." The reporter said to Phil at the news station. "It's sounding as the the police are having trouble with this man, they say he's hard to understand. But they know he's threatening to blow this grocery store up."

"Yes thank you Susan." The man at the station said. "Some people are claiming it's a divine divergent. But only some people believe they actually exist. The rest of us know there just a myth"

The cameras went back to the reporter.

"Yes Phil, people say he's some sort of lizard creture. But that seems very unlikely." She replied. "One thing people are agreeing on is the name. They say he's calling himself Bamboom."

"Oh, Susan we are getting reports of some flashing lights in the buildi-"

I flipped off the TV right as Russel came running back in.

"Chun- father" Russell corrected. "I saw the news! We have to go help."

"No. Someone else is already handling it." I said.

"Fine. But I thought the curupted justice were deafeted ages ago? We have been in a time of peace for so long."

"Just cause one fool decided to dress up and threaten some store doesn't mean there back!"

"Your blind father! I feel it somthing has started to stir! I've felt it for a few weeks now, but I didn't think you would care!" Russell shouted. "Looks like I was right! You know the power I have! I'm right I know I am!"

"Silence!" I hissed. "You don't know you have that power, to know when somthing bad is coming! They were deafeted, end of story!"

Russell screamed in anger and stomped out of the room.

"Son! I was not done talking to you." He was already gone. Probably used his super speed.

I walked to the window and looked out. There wil-.

I stopped dead in my thoughts. I remembered the, the.

"It can't be." I put my head up against the window as I thought about the prophecy. My head felt like it was about to explode with all the thoughts running through it.

I turned and ran as fast as I could out of my office.

"Ema, come, now! Grab the car keys, we need to go to my house!" I ordered.

She stood from her desk and ran after me.

As we drove up my long winding driveway to my manor I tried to remember the words of that prophecy.
I know some girl had the power of prophecy, she could also see anything anywhere as long as she knew who and what she was looking for. It came from her.
It was all over the news that week, they thought it was some prophecy about the end of the world. Bull crap if you ask me.

"Sir we're here. Now what?" Ema questioned.

"Feel free to make your self at home,but stay close i might need you, I have some work to do." I said as I hopped out of the car and ran for my library.

"Where is it?" I grumbled, throwing books from the shelf. "There!"

I yanked a newspaper from the shelf and began to read.

"Bla Bla bla. Oh here." I cleared my throat "There will be a man that feels the darkness, the darkness that comes through the light, it will be the end, or it will be made right. Prophesied by Lily Nickel."

"It can't be." I put my head in my hands. "Ema!" I shouted.

I herd her footsteps echoing through the halls.

"Yes sir?" She said panting

"Go call my fraind Mason." I told her. "Somthing urgent has come up.

Book One Of Three.          Order Of The Hero's: The Order Where stories live. Discover now