when the storm meets the light.

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ThunderCracks P.O.V.

Three years ago.

        This was it, freshmen year at collage I thought. I guess this is how it starts, with a service project. I walked the rainy streets of Florida carrying five bags of food on each arm to give to the homeless, I liked doing this, giving somthing to the people who have nothing. I mean since I have such great power that I've never had much of a chance to use, this is somthing I could do to help out.

        I saw a girl sitting under a small outcrop, barley hiding from the poring rain. You probably wouldn't say a dirty homeless girl in rags looked very pretty, but this one did with black hair and her piercing grey eyes.

I started to make my way over to her, she looked up and tried to flatten herself against the wall, obviously she was scared.

"Hay, it's okah, I have food, would you like some?" I asked her. She didn't say anything back, she just hid her face. I put a bag of food at her feet, and sat next to her. "I'm Andrew, what's your name?"

"Ava."She muttered.

"Are you cold?" I said. She remained silent again. "Here, take my jacket." I told her as I took off my jacket and put it on her shoulders. "I know you need it more than me." She still remained silent but she pulled the jacket tightly around her boney frame. "While I better go catch my group." I told her as I got up and started to head to my group. Over my shoulder I herd a deep voice say.
"Hey little lady, where'd you get such a pretty jacket?" The man chuckled."oh how did you know that that's exactly what I wanted for my birthday?" I turned to see a burly white man chuckle with all his goons while he advanced on Ava. She curled up and hid the best she could. "Hay!" I shouted. "Get away from her!"

"Oh ya?" He scoffed. "What's a pretty boy like you going to do about it?" I laughed.

"I'm going to introduce your ugly face to your new best fraind, the pavement." I trash talked. He cracked his neck and fingers.

"It's on rich boy, wolcome to my house!" He charged. I tried to dodge but failed. I was nocked to the ground with a thud. This could be going better i thought. He got up off me to back away and tount me, his first mistake. I stretched out my my hand as he got ready tount come at me again. "Ha!" He laughed. "What are you gonna do punk? Use magic?"

"Somthing like that." I said. There was a deep rumble across the sky, the rumble got louder. I have only done this twice, I hope this will work I worried. The rumble now sounded like it was coming from  the ground below me, there was a sound around me that sounded somthing like, "wwwweeeee." The big man jumped back a little. Suddenly there was defening crack of thunder all around the man and his goons that only them and I could heir. He collapsed clutching his ears in agany after the clap of Thunder. Well that was certainly awsome I congratulated myself. All the men cried out in fear and ran the other way.

I ran back to Ava. "Are you alright?" I said cuncerned. She leaped up and gave me a big hug.

"Thank you." She siad in her soft, beutiful voice.

"Your welcome." I said startled at the hug, but I gave her a little hug back. "your not afraid that I'm a divine divergent?"

She giggled a little. "Of course not." She extended her fingertips, lights flew off her fingers and made memorizing shapes in the air.

"Wow, that's awsome." I exclaimed. "So what exactly are your powers? And why don't you stand up for your self with those powers?"

"Well I think I make light solid. And I really want to, Trust me I wish I could, but there is just one problem, I have know idea how to control them." She teared up. "Last time I tried to protect myself with them I destroyed a whole city Block. I never used my powers since."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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