One ~ Stalking the halls

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After Drama, I went looking for my friends. I found Liam and Ashton together already and I smiled walking over to them whilst clicking my pen

"You're early" Liam smiled

"I got let out first" I nodded, pushing my pen behind my ear as I leant beside Liam

Ashton began talking about some van he wanted to start and my gaze as well as attention moved to Zayn... My dream boy.

It was weird for me to even think someone like Zayn was attractive because if always been attracted to girls. I wasn't gay... I knew that much. I just knew that Zayn was an exception to my sexuality and I'd been dying to have him call me his own since day one here.

I remember him walking into school with his hair styled in a cute quiff, and how he'd appear to squint when he smiled. His smile was beautiful, he always showed his teeth and his tongue would sit right behind his set of pearly whites, as though restricting his open happiness.

He was busy talking to Harry at the moment and his eyes seemed to travel past Harry, and directly to me. He looked away quick, continuing with Harry as I was snapped back to reality

"Niall!" Ashton clicked his fingers in my face

I flinched, blinking quick before speaking

"Sorry, I was just... He's distracting" I apologised

"It's fine" Ashton offered me a forgiving smile "I was just asking if you maybe wanted to be in a band with Calum and I"

"Oh" I answered "thanks but no thanks, I'm not big on performing"

"But you take Contemporary Music as well as Drama" Liam frowned

"So what?" I asked "doesn't mean I'm not stage shy"

"It's fine Niall" Ashton beamed "I can always find others"

"Crud" Liam looked at his watch "I have a student rep meeting to go to"

"I have to go find Aeisha" Ashton nodded

"I'll stay here and wait"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Aisha is scary" I nodded

Ashton nodded and ran the opposite way Liam did, only to have Calum tag along after him... Leaving me all by myself

"Where'd your friends go?" A not so angry sounding Zayn asking

"Liam's at a meeting" I sighed "and the other two, I'm not sure, they're looking for Aeisha"

"She's a little bit scary"

"I agree" I nodded and then left it silent for a few moments "wait... Why are you here?"

"You looked lonely" Zayn shrugged

"You don't care" I frowned "you're Zayn Malik... You're not allowed to care about other students"

"I know that I care" Zayn said calmly "I mean... If I didn't would I be here?"

"I guess not"

"Them there you have it" Zayn gave me a small smile

"But what about before?" I asked "when you called me a whore"

"That is just curiousity" Zayn purred

"They say curiosity kills the cat" I defended myself from actually lettin myself trust Zayn

"Wow Ni... You think I'm a kitty?" Zayn asked, locking his eyes with mine.

I seemed to fall into sort of trance and I wasn't sure if this was a joke

"I think you're a kitty" I agreed

"What kind?" Zayn asked with a big smile


"Zayn!" Harry's voice snapped me back

I looked to Harry who frowned when Zayn lipped something to him.

"Look at me Niall" Zayn forced me to look into his eyes again "tell me what Kitty I am"

"Sexy... You're a sexy kitty"

"Oh?" Zayn asked with a cheeky smile "you think I'm sexy?"

"So sexy" I couldn't control my own speech "I just... I want to take off your clothes"

"So if I kissed you" Zayn leant in

"I'd kiss back" I pulled his lips straight onto mine, keeping my word about kissing back

When Zayn pulled back I realised what I'd just done. I'd boosted his ego, I'd let him have control over me... He only did that to girls though.

"I knew it" Zayn smirked "you've always been a fag"

I paled, he was going to tell everyone. I knew that he was

"But" Zayn growled "I think that's why I like you"

"What?" I squeaked

"Sing for me love" Zayn commanded

I kept my gaze on the floor. This wasn't going to happen again... Not even if I wanted it to

"I have to go" Niall mumbled

"You have such beautiful eyes" Zayn taunted

I didn't speak. I wasn't going to be taken advantage of again.

"How about" Zayn pressed his soft lips to the side of my neck "you come..." He began to move up the kisses "to my house after school"

"No" I squealed when he made a small mark under my chin

"Yes" Zayn forced gaze as well as mine

Zayn was like Medusa. If you look into his golden eyes you don't see excellence. What you see is a sly, crafty, using, bad, annoying, horrible person that controls you with just one look that makes you fall at his feet... Maybe that's how he got his friends.

The worst part of Zayn being like Medusa is how irresistible he is. You know he'll manipulate you with those gorgeous eyes and he'll tempt you to see them... Even I haven't been able to stop the temptation

"I'll come to your house" I decided

"Very good" Zayn smiled, walking back to his friends "I'll make sure to keep a place for us"

It's a School Thing (Ziall AU)Where stories live. Discover now