Twenty Three ~ Morning Glory

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When I woke up Harry's eyes opened the exact same time... Freaky right?

I gasped when I saw his morning hard on and went a deep red when I realised I had one too. I grabbed my floating shorts and put them back on, throwing Harry's on top of him.

He groaned but then put them on. We dried off before going inside the house. It was weird... I couldn't remember much of last night

"I was wondering" Harry started preparing bacon, eggs and pancakes "do you want to throw a party on Sunday night? It's labour day on Monday"

"Sure" I nodded

"Louis can get alcohol, he's old enough" Harry smiled at the mention of Louis's name

"You really like Louis huh?" I asked, feeling a little bit jealous

"Yeah, we used to be inseperable" Harry chuckled, looking into his glass of water "I mean even now we have a arching dog and blanket... We wanted matching tattoos, in a way we were twins"

"So what happened?"

"Well... I found you" Harry sighed

"You don't sound happy" I hugged him tightly

"That's because to find you... I had to find Louis' heartless side"


"He made the bet, the dare... He offered the most money and even though Zayn tried to drop out, Louis said that if he didn't he'd double the money"

"Oh" I frowned "Louis seemed to mean well"

"But, that was over a month ago" Harry changed the subject "what do you say we text invitations?"

"Is there alcohol?" I asked


So for the next few hours Harry and I were inviting people to my house tomorrow night for a party. Because Harry used to be popular he had a lot of contacts. I had less than half of what he did and we both posted my address on Facebook.

I ended up inviting Zayn by accident and I got a reply instantly

Zayn: I knew you weren't over us

I quickly deleted the thread, not wanting Harry to see it. I turned off my phone as Harry finished cooking and the two of us scoffed our food, planning for the party tomorrow and what we needed so that we could just go buy everything tomorrow.

"Chairs" Harry said "and alcohol barrels... Lots of beer"

"Bottle or can?"

"Maybe cups?"

"Red?" I asked


"So what else?"

"Get something lighter for the girls like a cherry vodka or something" Harry shrugged "but no wine at all. We can offer water or we can just set up a bar somewhere downstairs or outside

"I accidentally invited Zayn" I brought up


"He's bringing big speakers" I nodded "so the music goes through the whole house"

"Sweet, I imagine that people will bring USB keys with playlists we can use but we need to start with our own"

"Skrillex" I nodded "we need skrillex, Bangarang and Make It Bun Dem"

"Okay" Harry said looking surprised by my suggestion

"Maybe some Conor Maynard?" I offered

"That sounds more like you" Harry chuckled lightly

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