The Robots Are Taking Over

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Taylor has never been one to complain about humanity's rapid advancement in technology. She very much enjoys being able to take videos of her unsuspecting and highly unamused cats and post them to the internet. She has also been known to enjoy a live animal cam every now and then. However, despite enjoying the ease of living in a time of almost complete automation, Taylor has never once desired to have a part in creating any of this technology. Her brain would much rather acquaint itself with literary works and the wonder of human emotion rather than mathematical equations and code.

This is the very reason she finds herself alone in her songwriting room, cursing the very inventor of written language, as she cannot seem to find quite the right string of words to accompany a melody. "I swear to God, I'm never going to finish this song," she thinks as she begins pacing the room. Yet, as with almost every case of writer's block Taylor encounters, it's gone almost as soon as it was there, and the words start flowing once again.

Soon enough, she has made enough progress to begin recording a very rough demo. She walks over to the mixing table, plugs in her laptop, and grabs a guitar. Once everything has been set up, Taylor plugs in her headphones and starts to play. She stands in the middle of the rather large room strumming her guitar and pausing every now and then to make production notes in the audio recording for when she gets into an actual studio with an actual producer.

The fact that she is so in her element, along with the fact that her headphones are noise cancelling, prevents Taylor from hearing the door creak open. She also doesn't seem to hear the faint buzzing of plastic quadcopter blades as they make their way closer to her. She is also completely oblivious to the fact that a glorified floating camera is floating right around her butt and producing a slight flickering noise every so often. Nothing can stop the creative energy bursting from the singer until the hovering drone gets a tiny bit too close and bumps her right in the back.

Fortunately, no harm is done as the drone had bumpers surrounding the blades, but her streak has ended. Turning around, the first thing Taylor notices is the small unmanned aircraft trying to nonchalantly make its way toward the door. Whatever hope the pilot had at a speedy and unnoticed escape is crushed when the singer grabs the toy from midair by its center. Smirking, Taylor makes her way to the door and peeks around the corner. The sight of surprised green eyes and blushing cheeks is enough to take away all thoughts of hostility towards the brunette lying in the floor.

Karlie Kloss has always preferred the finite state of science to the objectivity of literature. She is perpetually in a state of awe at the marvels the modern world has to offer, so when she found out she could control a pint-sized drone from her laptop, of course she immediately ordered one from Amazon. She was going to take full advantage of all the things technology has to offer. Also, the idea that she had to program it herself completely sealed the deal. Of course when it arrived, she had to test it out, and who better to be her test subject than her unsuspecting wife whom she loves very much?

"Kar, what are you doing?" Taylor asked, head tilted and slightly smirking.

Karlie was completely caught off guard as her line of sight had been blocked by the wall and she could not even hear the singer coming. "I was, uh, just, uh, testing out my new drone," the model looked down and stammered.

"And you were testing it out by flying it into my back?" the signer teased.

"Yeah, sorry about that babe. It was an accident. I didn't mean to interrupt your jam session," she said, feeling slightly guilty for getting Taylor out of her zone.

"Don't worry about it Kar. Maybe you could even show me how it works," the singer said, lying in the floor and reaching for the laptop.

"Actually Tay, I don't think yo-" she started, but it was already too late.

"Karlie, you've got to be kidding me," Taylor said, raising an eyebrow at the model.

The first thing she saw when she looked at the control window was the separate window the drone's camera used. There, in the recently taken section, were at least fifteen pictures of the singer's posterior.

"Would you like to explain yourself?"

"It wasn't me! I didn't even know you could take pictures, I swear! The robots are taking over!! We need to get out of here!!"

"Yes, of course the robots are taking over. The first thing they would do in order to take over the world is take pictures of my ass," she deadpanned.

"Exactly! Maybe the apartment's bugged and someone hacked into my drone. They wanted pictures they could sell to the media to make you look bad! I bet it was Kim!" Karlie was grasping at straws at this point.

"Kar, do you hear yourself sometimes?"

"I-I- *sigh* I'm sorry."

Taylor smiled and nudged her wife's shoulder before leaning in for a kiss.

"Babe, if you wanted to take pictures of my ass, all you had to do was ask. Still, I think the real thing would be way better," she said while leaning over for another kiss.

Guess who's back. Back again. Anyways, yeah this is really short, but I really liked the idea. I got it from the help-mywife tumblr; I love that account so much! If y'all have any prompts or requests, comment or message me! I really love seeing all your comments and votes, so thank you for those.

I hope you're having a good day/night/whatever!



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