Chapter 27 - "The Chat"

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It's a short chapter but it's hard to write over christmas, i'm writing the next chapter now and have decied that i'll upload when the number of reads gets to 2,000 so get reading and please recomend my book to your friends :)

hope you all had a good christmas and that you have an amazing 2012 :) <3

Chapter 27 – "The Chat"


The last week of school had begun and as it was only three weeks until prom I knew that I would have to find Dylan and ask him if we were even still going together, as far as I was aware he hadn’t asked anyone else yet which meant that technically we were still going together, and although it gave me a way to go I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to.

It was lunch on Monday and I'd already spoken to Rachel and Abi and although they usually weren’t much help, they’d agreed that I had to talk to him, however painful it would be. Josh was coming over today after school and so I knew that if I had something to look forward then it might make things a little easier.

“Right ok, so he’s currently playing football on the playground, but after he reads this text he will be over here as fast as you can say cupcakes.” Rachel joked but could tell that I and Abi were both nervous; even though Abi wasn’t the one that would actually have to say something she drew the short straw in having to keep whoever Dylan brought with him, company. This for Abi was a hard task.

“So, I just ask him if we’re still going to prom together, don’t say anything about our relationship or about Dalton, just about prom.” Both girls nodded at me and Rachel turned around to notice Dylan and Samson walking towards us.

“Well this is going to be hard.” Abi sighed as she began to walk over to Samson. Although everyone else, including me had managed to look past what Samson had done and forgiven him for it Abi hadn’t, she still hated his guts and any time someone mentioned him she would probably hit them.

Dylan looked uncomfortable as Abi pulled Samson to one side and tried to find something to talk to him about, I knew this was my shot, so I went for it. “Dylan!” I shouted, trying to catch his eye, he saw me and Rachel and walked reluctantly towards us.

“Good luck honey,” Rachel patted me on the back. “I’ll be right over there when you finish.” She smiled at Dylan and walked away.

“How are you doing?” I asked feebly, knowing that this probably wouldn’t impress him in the slightest.

“I'm ok, I think we need to talk about what happened though.” I felt like punching him when he said that, but I knew that doing that would not get me anywhere close to where I wanted to be.

“Yeah, that’s why I called you over here, but first of all I need to know something,” Dylan nodded his head and so I carried on. “Are we still going to prom together?” there was a short pause and I began to fear the answer.

“Well it means we can both go and I could do with a party after the last month.” Dylan seemed to shrug off everything that we’d been through and so I turned to Rachel for support, she looked up just at the right time and gave me a warm smile, so I took a deep breath smiled back and continued to talk to Dylan.

“Ok, well that’s good, but I do have one other question,” I paused for a moment. “What the hell is your problem?” Dylan looked startled as if he had no idea what I was on about but then realised and began to weep.

“I'm so sorry Brook, I just didn’t want to lose you, especially just after I'd found you and if you went off to London then I knew you’d find someone else and forget about and I didn’t want that to happen, I just love you so much, that’s it.” Dylan sunk to his knees and, still crying, clasped his hands together. “Please Brooklyn, take me back, I've been stupid, I'll do anything.” Everyone was beginning to look and I could feel my cheeks turn red.

“Dylan, get up!” I whispered to him but he was still begging.

“Please, you can go to Dalton, I'll find a college near you and live with you, we can come back every weekend of course and see our families, I've heard they have some amazing tech colleges near there.” Dylan was still mumbling to himself and so I knelt down to his level.

“Dylan, I don’t want you to come with me, I'll be back every weekend like you said, and you already have a place at college, besides none of the boys at Dalton are anything like you. I love you too Dylan, now can we please get up off the floor, people are looking?”

That’s how things went in my dreams anyway, in actual fact; things went a bit more like this-

“Ok, well that’s good, but I do have one other question,” I paused for a moment. “Why did you not want me to go to Dalton?” I had to wait a while for an answer and that made me more nervous.

“Well, it wasn’t so much that I didn’t want you to go, I just didn’t think you’d be able to cope with it.” Dylan looked at me and I tried to read his face to find out if he was joking but it looked like he was being serious, and that’s when I forgot about being polite and got really angry.

“You didn’t think I could cope!”I screamed, Rachel looked over at me and I gave her my ‘don’t even think about interrupting me’ look and she turned around and carried on texting. “Dylan, what do you think I did when my parents split up? Or when Rider died? Curl up in a ball and stay there until somebody did everything for me? No I coped, because that’s what I have to do, there’s no one there to do everything for me so I have to do it all myself. Just because you don’t think you could cope doesn’t mean that everyone is as weak as you.”  Dylan suddenly became a lot more hostile and I could feel that he wanted to walk away, but if he did then that would just be proving what I'd said about him being weak.

“You think that I'm weak? You have no idea what I have to go through every day, you have your mum to do everything for you and you’ve never had to work a day in your life for anything, if you went to Dalton you would just break, you wouldn’t be able to live on your own, do your own cooking and cleaning and washing, you would come crawling back to your mum after less than a week begging her to move closer to the school and she would because she would do anything for you, but that would mean her giving up everything for you ridiculous dream that, let’s be realistic here, is never going to happen.” He was getting really angry and I was beginning to wish I hadn’t started this, but it all needed to be said so I gritted my teeth and carried on.

“No I don’t think you’re weak, I take that back, I think you’re a chauvinistic pig who can’t stand to see me do well at something, I think you want a girlfriend who will let you be a man and do everything for her, by her things, take her places and earn all the money, and when you’re older you’ll want a wife who’ll stay at home and cook and clean and look after the kids while you go out and make yourself feel like a man by earning all the money. But I'm not going to be like that, I want to be able to go out and earn my own money and come home and have a husband who respects me for that and understands that we are both equals in the relationship. So I think we need to leave each other alone until prom, play happy families that night and then never talk to or see each other ever again, because I don’t need your negativity in my life.” I stood for a second and waited for a reply, but when I didn’t get one I took that to mean that he agreed with me and so I walked back towards Rachel.


The rest of the day was hard, I kept thinking about all the good memories I had of Dylan and about how he’d always been there for me, but I knew that it was all an act and that deep down Dylan was not the type of person I wanted to know, let alone date. I walked home with Abi that night and explained everything that had happened at lunch, she was really supportive and tried to take my mind off things but I knew that I would be stuck with this feeling of regret for a while and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2012 ⏰

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