The...Uh, Friends

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"He observed her from his spot in the darkness. 'That was quite the fall, I hope she isn't dead.' He thought."

Lin woke up with her body aching, and a dim light cradling her. She left her eyes closed, not wanting to move, and wondered if she was dead. No. I wouldn't be able to feel anything if I were dead. She told herself. She arched her back and moved her arms, pain instantly striking her right shoulder blade.
"Ah! Ow ow ow..."She sat up, and gripped it. She looked at the damage. Her shoulder was pushed downwards in a sickly position. She must have fell on it wrong and dislocated it, or maybe even broken it....
She looked around, trying to get an idea of where she was. There were tall white pillars around her, and the walls were made of stone, vines growing up and down both of them. She was sitting in a patch of golden flowers that she didn't recognize. Her bag that she brought with her was next to her, with its contents spilled out over the ground. Thankfully, none of it looked damaged. There was a hallway (if you would call it that) going out of the room she was in. She stood up, wincing when her arm started to move. She started to look for ways to get out of here. She couldnt climb, not with her arm like this, and it was just too far up. Maybe she could call someone? She pulled out her phone with her good arm, and turned it around. It was shattered. She pressed the home button, but it wouldn't turn on. Either it was out if battery, or it really was dead. She sighed and put it back in her pocket, with the screen facing away from her. She kneeled down and put the things she brought with her back in her bag, picking it up and slinging it over her good shoulder. She was hesitant to continue on deeper into the mountain, but after a moment of thought, decided to. It wasn't like she had a better option. At the end of the hallway on the left wall, there was a large pair of doors. So someone did live down here long ago. Maybe her mom was right, about the monsters. No, that's preposterous...right? She opened the door with a bit of s struggle, pushing it with her good arm. Her eyes widened. No, not preposterous at all...
A yellow flower stood in the middle of the room, with a smile on its...face? A ray of sunlight came ascending down from the ceiling, making the flower visible. Besides that, the room was pitch black.
"Howdy! I'm Flowey the flower!" It- er, 'Flowey' said.
"W-what?" Lin managed to say, her voice trembling.
"You're new to the underground aren't 'cha? Golly, you must be so confused!" He said. At least, she thought it was a he. It sounded male but its voice was very high pitched. "Someone 'ought to show ya how things work around here. I guess little ol' me will have to do! Ready? Here we go!" The room grew even darker and a dark teal heart was pulled from her chest, making her gasp. Her right hand had a dark teal mist around it. She watched as she moved her right hand, ever so slightly, and the heart moved along with it. So she could move it around? Though she couldn't exactly move her hand very much because of her shoulder. And why would she need to move it around anyways? She looked back to Flowey, who seemed ready to give answers.
"You see that? That's your soul! The very culmination of your being." As he spoke, Lin noticed a few things underneath him. Abox, that her soul was apparently in. Underneath that were even more things, or rather, words. Word that seemed to be floating, saying 'LV1', and 'HP'. The 'HP' had a yellow bar beside it that was a bit red at the top. It said 10/20 next to it. She was very confused. She knew in video games 'LV' meant level, and 'HP' meant health points, but if that was the case, how did she get hurt? It must have been the fall...
"Your soul starts off weak, but it can grow stronger if you gain LV!" He said. Level? So, like a game? What the heck? Well, if this was the monster world, it would make sense that things were different. But this different? Huh...
"What does LV stand for? Why LOVE of course!" Love? Oh. Well there goes my theory down the drain... She thought. "You want some LOVE don't you?" He asked. Lin hesitantly nodded her head. If this really was the monster world, she highly doubted they would all be friendly. If she could get stronger before she met one that would hurt her then maybe she would have the upper hand in some fights. Just, hopefully she wouldn't get in too many...
"Don't worry I'll share some with you!" He winked, and stuck his tongue out while still smiling. "Down here, LOVE is shared through...little, white, friendly-ness pellets!" Small white specks came out of what Lin supposed was the Flower's back. They circled around him. She felt a little...suspicious of this...
"Ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!" The Flower exclaimed cheerfully. The friendly-ness pellets came flying into the box underneath him, where her soul laid. She struggled, but moved her right hand a bit to the left, her soul following suit. It ran into one of the-
"Gahh!" She screamed out in pain. Doubling over, she coughed up a bit of blood, looking up at Flowey. The friendly-ness pellets gone, and her 'HP' was at 5. Was this how she was going to die?
"Ya know, I've seen plenty of humans before." The flower started, "But when I saw you, I thought you were diffrent! You're an adult right? I thought maybe you wouldn't be as STUPID as the others! I guess I was wrong. All humans are IDIOTS AREN'T THEY?! DIE!" The flowers wretched laugh consumed the small room, and Lin's sight became blurry as she watched a circle of 'friendly-ness pellets' surround her soul, steadily closing in. The corners of her vision started to blacken, and then next thing she knew...she was asleep.

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