The shoulder

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  "He sat on the bed, watching the two interact. Now this was entertaining."

   The skeleton stood there for a second longer rubbing his cheek bone, while still staring at the red haired girl in from of him. He took in what she looked like rather quickly, she didn't want to hurt him, or so he hoped. The look in her eyes was more, scared and confused, not the 'I want to kill everyone in the underground and dance on there corpses', as he has seen a few more times than he would like to admit. And with a swinging arm like that she could wipe out the underground pretty easily. He told himself, half joking, half knowing he was probably right, The hand she was holding the bag in was still raised, this time facing the right. He smiled and let out an amused chuckle.
  "heh, nice swing kid. But, i'll be taking that." He pointed to the bag. She backed up a bit, before trying to take another hit at him. She closed her eyes and brang the bag down on him. She felt somthing grab her wrist, and her arm abruptly stop. She opened her eyes to see the skeleton, holding her wrist with surprising force. One of his sockets closed, and she could see the smirk in his everlasting grin.
  "like i said. I will be taking that." He said agian. She dropped the bag, and it fell to the floor, well almost, a blue light consumed it and it floated over to the bed, we're it was put down peacefully. She watched in amazement as this happened. He let go of her wrist, putting his hand back in his pocket.
"well as i was saying before I was slapped in the face with a bag full of, uh, I don't know bricks?" He opened both of his eyes on the last part, and looked over to the bag. This got a small and quiet laugh from the girl. But nothing much.
"we dont wanna hurt ya kid. in fact tori called me over so I could set that arm of yours." He said pointing to her dislocated shoulder. She put her hand on her shoulder, and looked a little guilty.
"Tori? Is that the, uh, lady?" She asked timidly, still staying away from him. He smiled knowing he was getting through to her.
"yeah. well her full name is toriel its just a nickname, and im sans, sans the skeleton." He put a hand out to shake. She looked up at him, and hesitantly took his hand.
"Lin, Lin Joseph." She said quietly. "I'm sorry for uh, hitting you with my bag..." She quickly retracted her hand from his, and threw it behind her neck.
"Sans? How is everything? Is she okay? Are you okay?" The lighter feminine voice called, who she now knew as Toriel. Sans went over to the door, and unlocked it. Wait, how did he get in the room? Was there another way in? She was watching the door when he just papered behind her, there's job way he came in using that door, but there weren't any other doors in the room... weird.
  "Sans! Oh thank goodness! She is okay?" Toriel asked.
  "is she okay? She slapped me in the face with her bag!" He laughed. "im pretty sure she could go out and beat Asgore himself with that thing!"
  "Oh my! Are you okay Sans?" She bent down and cupped his face with her hands moving every wich way inspecting him for damage.
  "heh, yeah im fine tori." Sans said while still having his head moved around. Tori, stopped and stood up straight.
  "Don't scare me like that Sans." She said putting her hands on her hips. But not looking all that mad.
  "uh, huh, anyways. here you can check her up yourself." Sans moved to the side letting the tall goat woman come inside of the room, she was a few inches taller than Lin, who was 5'8". Toriel made her way over to Lin, looking her head to toe for any markings, bruises, scratches, ect. The only thing she found was her shoulder, that was still dislocated.
  "Are you alright my child? Are you in any pain?" She asked looking genuinely concerned. Lin looked surprised for a second before shaking her head.
  "My shoulder stings a bit, but that's it." Lin answered.
  "Ah, yes, Sans would you mind taking a look at it?" Toriel turned to Sans.
  "if it's okay with the kid." Sans shrugged. They both looked to Lin.
  "Well, do you know what your doing?" She asked still having her gaurd up.
  "my bro has and i dislocate joints all the time. but, I don't know if we can just pop it back into place like we do. and it will probably hurt alot more beacuse you have muscle, and tissue, surrounding the bone. but besides that I have a pretty good idea." He said, looking rather calm.
  Lin sighed. "Alright. I geuss this is the best thing to do..." He was a skeleton, so he would know how to do this. He said he's done it multiple times.
  "k. do you want something to bite on? like i said this will probably hurt a bit." Sans said, flipping on the light in the room.
  "Yeah, maybe." Lin still was having a hard time believing this. She fell down a hole, git attacked by a homicidal flower, then slapped a skeleton in the face with her bag, and now he will be setting her arm back in its socket. Wow... what a day.
  "Alright, I will go and get a hand towel from the kitchen." Toriel walks out of the room.
  "here, ya might as well sit down, you'll have to lay down for me to put it back in." Sans motioned to the bed. She walked over, putting her bag on the floor, and then sitting down. Sans sat to the right of her. Sans looked from her shoulder to her.
  "may i..?" He asked. Lin nodded. Sans slowly unwrapped her sling, and guided her arm down slowly.
  "let me know if it starts hurting, i'll stop then." He said looking back to her. She nodded. He started lightly feeling her shoulder, just to check were the bone was and how swollen the tissue was. She grimaced a few times but didn't say anything so the pain wasn't unbearable. At least not yet.
  "yeah, we have to do it now. if the tissue swells up any more, we will have a pretty hard time popping it back in." Sans shook his head. "sorry kid. i would go out to hotalnd and ask Alphys to come over and for some pain meds but it's out of my range, and it would take to long to get there on foot."
  "What do you mean out of your range?" She asked.
  "oh. let's just say-" Sans suddenly disappeared. "have a bit of a trick up my sleeve." Lin turned her head to see Sans sitting on the foot of the bed.
"How- wait- what?!" Lin eyes opened wide, trying to make sense of what she just saw. Sans let out a chuckle.
"magic, i don't have to explain anything. it just works." He shrugged.
"Huh. That's really cool." She said smiling a bit.
"there ya go. i like this attitude much better than the one you had before." Sans let out a breathy chuckle.
"Oh! I'm sorry for hitting you earlier! I was just surprised and, I-" She was cut off by Sans.
"it's fine, i didn't loose any HP from it, it just stung a bit." Sans waved his hand in the air, dismissing her worry. She sighed.
"Sorry it took so long!" Toriel came back in with a white towel in her hands. She handed it to Lin. How took it, but with a sigh.
"This isn't going to feel to good isn't it." She said as more of a statement.
"yeah. this probably gonna hurt, down to the bone, if you catch my drift." He said winking.
"Sans! This isn't an appropriate to make jokes!" Toriel scolded laughing a little.
"Oh, come on Sans, can't you throw me a bone? Is there anything you can do about the pain?" Lin laughed. Sans burst put laughing, and Toriel covered her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I had to." The three of them calmed down.
"alright i should probably get to work on the shoulder there." Sans said, turning serious again.
"Yeah I geuss..." Lin looked down at her shoulder, it still stung pretty bad, and it was going to hurt really bad. Sans walked over to the side of the bed, she layed down and put the cloth in her mouth. Closing her eyes and nodding to say she was ready. Sans sighed and took of his coat, the fur around his color brushing against his skull, and the blue color was faded from years of use. He was now in a plain white tee, and his black shorts with white stripes on the sides. He turned her arm at a 90% angel, much to her displeasure. And held her for arm up, her upper arm straight. He took a deep breath, this is what would really hurt, she seemed to know it too as she tensed up. He grimaced as he quickly jolted up the arm, a loud pop was heard through out the room.  He looked at Lin, her teeth were clenched down on the cloth, and her eyes were closed, tears in the corner of them. She was holding back a scream. After a about a minute she seemed to calm down. She took the cloth out of her mouth, the hand she used flopped back on the bed. Sans sat at the end of the bed, watching her. Her breathing was heavy, but a smile came onto her face.
  "Your right Sans. That did hurt... really bad." She laughed.
  "Here, you should get some rest my child." Toriel said going over to her and taking the cloth from her hands, there were most likely permanent teeth marks on it. Lin, nodded her head.
  "Thanks, Toriel, Sans." She looked at both of them and gave a weak smile, before easily drifting off to sleep.


"He watched as Sans and Toriel left the room. 'Well Sans did it right. I'm glad I taught him that. I had no idea he and his brother would be so accident prone. Heh, well I geuss I can't talk.' The light was turned off, and he vanished."

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