The Skeleton

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Hey guys sorry for the wait but the next chapter is finally out!

"He looked at Sans as he slept in the chair."

Sans awoke, to the smell of butterscotch and cinnamon pie. It took him a second to figure out where he was and why he was there. Oh yeah... memories came flooding to him about last night, and the whole shoulder incident. So why was he still in Toriels house sleeping on the recliner in the living ù The conversation he and Toriel had replayed in his memory.

"Sans. You don't have to, but would it be okay if you stayed the night? I don't want her to dislocate in her sleep, or wake up and it healed wrong." Toriel looked almost guilty for asking. Sans looked surprised at first, but his face relaxed into his normal lazy grin.
"yeah, i'll stay Tori. i'll be back though, i'm gonna go tuck Paps in and let him know where to find me and all, alright?" He agreed.
"Yes, that's fine. Thank you Sans!"

"Sans? Are you awake?" Toriels voice rang from the kitchen.
"huh? oh yeah. what's up Tori?" He hopped out of the chair and walked into the kitchen, leaning on the wall.
"Ah, morning Sans. Would you mind waking up Lin? It's almost 1:00." Tori said, taking off her oven mitts she used to remove the pie from the oven.
"yeah sure." Sans walked out of the kitchen. Leave it to Tori to somehow wake him up without screaming in his face, and before 3 pm none the less. He chuckled to himself,and stopped outside of Lin's door. He knocked.
"knock knock? you up sunshine?"
"take that as a no..." Sans frowned to himself. He slowly opened the door, careful not to wake her. Sure enough she was asleep on the bed. In the same position none the less. He walked into the room, sitting at the foot of the bed. He looked at her for a second, before sighing. He put his hand on her left shoulder, which looked a little uh, weird, her left shoulder was facing the wall, so he was side ways on top of her. He shook the thought out of his head.
"kid, kid, wake up." He moved her shoulder slightly. She stirred but didn't wake. "c'mom kid. tori's making some pie. Her butterscotch cinnamon, is pretty killer." He continued to shake her shoulder. Her left hand came up to her eyes, and rubbed them, her right hand wanting to do the same, but as soon as she lifted it, she let out a small 'ow'. She pulled her hand away and looked at Sans with a tired smile.
"Hi." She said simply.
"what's shaken eggs and bacon?" He smiled. She let out a scoff.
"You have that saying down here too?" She asked sitting up, very slowly, and carefully.
"yep. we probably have alot more in common than you think." Sans said, grabbing the cloth Toriel used as a sling off from the ground. He motioned her to lift up her arm. She did and he slid it under tieing it on the other shoulder. He accidentally brushed up against her neck, to which she retracted away from.
"you okay?" He asked, laughing a bit at her silly antic.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just a bit ticklish." She admitted. "Thanks for the sling though."
"no problem. you shouldn't move that arm for a couple of days, just to make sure it heals all the way." Sans winked at her then stood up, stretching. Lin soon stood up as well they exited the child's room and entered the living room. Lin took in a long breath of the scent that wafted through the small house.
"Woah. That smells amazing." Lin said absent mindedly.
"right? like i said Tori's a killer pie maker." Sans, looked at Lin from the corner of his eye. Leaning against the door frame as Lin walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning Toriel." She said, smiling up at her.
"Ah! My child, you are up, good. Here please have a piece of my homemade butterscotch cinnamon pie!" Toriel handed a plate, and fork to Lin, who took it with her good hand. "Go ahead and have a seat, Sans and I will be joining you shortly." Lin made a short sound of approval and nodded her head. She walked over to the dinning table and sat down on one of the chairs. Soon enough Sans came out with a piece of pie on his plate. He sat down next to Lin, but before starting to eat he yawned. She noticed while his mouth got bigger, it didn't open. He rested his cheek in his hand, while he cut the pie with the fork. He took a bite of pie, it seemingly went through his teeth. He noticed her surprise and smiled, he let go of the fork and it stayed in his mouth as if he was biting down on it. He did jazz hands.
"madhic!" He said, but though his mouth was full it came out strange, though she was able to make out he was trying to say 'magic' not 'madhic'. She laughed. Sans went back to his position his his cheek in his hand, and started chewing, taking another bite of pie.
"Alright, alright calm down you two." Toriel came out smiling.
"oh snap, goat mom's mad." Sans said not making eye contact and continuing to eat the pie. This made Lin laugh even harder, she threw a hand over her mouth.
"that makes you laugh? you goat to be kidding me. It wasn't even a pun." He chuckled. This one made both of the girls laugh.
"Oh Sans, that was baaad." Toriel said, making the bad sound like a goat bleat. All three of them where laughing now. Eventually, they calmed down. Toriel sat down across from Sans, and there was a moment of comfortable silence. Lin picked up the fork, it felt every weird, her right hand was her dominant one, and she couldn't really use it. Toriel noticed her struggle.
"Are you alright my child?" She asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, my right hand is my dominant hand so it's a little weird to hold things with my left." Lin answered. A look of shock and realization came over her face. "I can't draw!" She exclaimed.
"Hm? Is drawing important to you?" Toriel asked. Sans was looking at Lin, but continued to eat the pie almost halfway done with it.
"Yes! It's my profession, it's very important to me. I won't be able to draw for two days...what am I going to do?" She seemed to be having a existential crisis right now.
"Let's just hope you don't go through any with - draws." Sans said, holding in a chuckle. Toriel raised her hand, a white fireball showing up in her palm. This must of been some sort of threat beacuse Sans jumped from his chair giving a quick 'uh-oh' before running off.
"Well child, all you can do it wait for your shoulder to heal, I suggest not moving it as much as possible, the less it it's moved the faster it will heal." Toriel said, placing a hand on Lins back. Lin sighed but nodded. She grabbed the fork again and shakily cut the pie. The smell of cinnamon and butterscotch, became even grater and it made Lin's mouth water. She brang the fork up to her mouth, and took the bite. As soon as it hit her tounge her eyes widened, she chewed and swallowed it. After about a minute she was done with the piece of pie.
"That was delicious, Toriel." Lin said, as Toriel picked up her plate as well as Sans' half eaten one.
"Thank you. Would you mind going and finding Sans?" Toriel asked, heading to the kitchen.
"Yeah sure. I can go find him." Lin stood up and started walking through Toriels house, looking behind things, and under things. There wasn't any sign of him. At least until she went into 'her' room. She opened the door and looked inside, sans was laying oh his stomach on the bed, his legs in the air, one ankle on top of the other.
"you draw some pretty good stuff kid." Sans said, somehow knowing it was her.
"Huh?" She walked over to the bed to see Sans looking through one of her sketchbooks that she had in her bag. She had four sketch books she took everywhere. One was already filled to the brim with pictures, but they were mostly tutorials on how to draw certain parts of the body, if she was drawing a person. The second one, was the one Sans was looking at, it was about halfway full with pictures, be it commissions, doodles, or pics she did in her spare time. Needless to say, she had started on that journal two days ago. There where two other journals in her bag, both empty, just in case she needed them. Lin sat down next to Sans.
"It's not exactly nice to go through someone's stuff ya know." Lin said, watching as Sans flipped the page, a picture of a couple holding hands was on the page. He stopped and looked at the drawing before awnsering.
"i'm sure you will manage." Sans said, flipping the page again. It was a sketch of a woman holding a baby, the babies hands grabbing onto the mothers hair. "heh, cute. reminds me of pap." He muttered.
"How's Pap?" Lin asked.
"it's not exactly nice to ask someone about there personal life." Sans said, a joking tone to his voice.
"I'm sure you'll manage." Lin chuckled.
"Pap, er, papyrus. is my younger bro. he's a sweet guy. He will probably be over later so you'll get the chance to meet him." Sans said. Sitting up and closing the sketchbook. He slipped it back into her bag and stood up.
"what about you?" Sans asked. "any siblings?"
"Yeah, I have an older brother Caleb. He's a nurse at the city nearby." Lin said, standing up. "I think I have a picture of him on my pho-ow!" Lin was reaching back into her pocket for her phone. She had forgotten that it was broken and had cut herself.
"woah, you okay kid?" Sans grabbed her hand and looked at the cut.
"I'm fine Sans don't worry." She pulled her hand away and stuck her finger in her mouth. She pulled it out and showed Sans, the cut visible but it was no longer bleeding. "See?"
"alright, i'll go get a bandaid." Sans walked out of the room. He would admit he had over reacted a bit, but he was so used to Frisk crying whenever they got cut. Frisk hadn't came yet this time line. So this was very odd. And he saw Toriel in person, that was another thing. Usually Sans just sits at the door and jokes with her, not even being told her name. But this one was diffrent, not only did she tell him her name, this is the third time he was allowed inside her home. Was this all beacuse of Lin? I geuss time lines can change, but...still...

After a couple minutes, Sans reentered the room, a bandaid in his hand.
    "you gotta stop hurting yourself kiddo." Sans chuckled and shook his head.
    "I know. I just forgot about my phone." Lin pouted.
    "yeah. Just be more careful next time, kay?" He said, ruffling her hair.
    "Okay. Sorry if I worried you." Lin smiled.
    "it's okay kiddo." He smiled at her. There was a moment of silence between the two before Toriel opened the door.
    "Sans, your bro-" She began but was cut off by a loud high pitched voice.
    "BROTHER! OH HOW LOVELY TO SEE YOU AGAIN! I MISSED YOU!" A tall skeleton walked into the room, Toriel moved to the side just in time so she wouldn't get trampled. He was maybe 7 feet tall, he was huge compared to Lin and Sans. He wore a red scarf, some sort of crop top? It looked as thoigh a bubble had consumed his ribcage and turn white, she same thing with his shoulders. He had red gloves on his hands thay were the same color as the scarf. His pants looked like a blue speedo, but not quite as uh, bad as one. And lastly he had on knee high red boots. So this was Sans' brother.
    "hey paps nice to see you too." Sans said, waving lack lusterly to his brother. Papyrus ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug, even picking him up off the ground and spinning around. Lin giggled at there silly antics, but also found it cute how close they were. Papyrus stopped and looked at Lin, still holding Sans.
    "SANS? IS THAT THE HUMAN YOU TOLD ME ABOUT?" Papyrus 'whispered'. His voice seemed to always be loud.
    "yeah, lin, Paps. Paps, Lin." Sans said motioning  with his head.
    "HELLO HUMAN! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! SOON TO BE MEMBER OF THE ROYAL GAURD!" Papyrus exclaimed, putting Sans down. He extended a gloved hand to her. She happily took it, a smile on her face.
    "Hello Papyrus, it's nice to meet you." She said.
    Papyrus gasped. "A GENUINE COMPLEMENT! WOWIE!" Lin smiled at this.
    "heh. I thought you two would get along." Sans said as Papyrus' eyes fell onto her shoulder.
    "HUMAN? ARE YOU INJURED?" He asked his voice now a little concerned.
    "remember bro? i told you hurt herself when she fell." Sans walked up to Papyrus.
     "OH..." He said looking sorrowful.
     "That is precisely why I belive Lin should stay with you two. At least until she gets better." Toriel said from the doorway.
     "What?" The three said in unison. She sighed as if making up a choice.
     "Sans and Papyrus know much more about bones than I do. If your shoulder is hurt again then there will be nothing that I can do, and I hate seeing my friends in pain." She said, putting a hand over her chest.
      "tori, i-" Sans started but was cut off by Papyrus' booming voice.
      "WOWIE! WE GET A HUMAN ROOMATE!" He yelled grabbing her as he did Sans earlier. Spinning around, but little did he know, his boney arms were crushing her shoulder. Toriel and Sans gasped, and Sans' left eye turned blue as she was pulled out if Papyrus' arms her face was in a grimace.
      "OH MY GOSH! IM SO SORRY! I HAD FOR GOTTEN OF YOUR INJURY!" He said, putting his hands on his cheekbones.
      "It's fine Papyrus." She said, as Sans put her down. As Papyrus rattled off diffrent apologizes, Toriel had walked over to Sans.
      "Just, please keep an eye on her, alright Sans?" She asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. He was silent for a moment, before sighing and closing his eyes, letting his smile return to his face.
      "alright tori. but only beacuse you asked so nicely." He said looking back to Lin and his brother. This would be intresting...


"Good. Everything is going as planned. Now we just wait..."

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