The Home

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  It's out! It's out! The next chapter is finally out! Sorry it's a little short but us out! Yay! Also I sorta want to see who is actually reading this. If you are reading please let me know, I would probably update faster knowing someone was anticipating the nest chapter. ^^; anyways sorry for the delay and here it is!

"This house... I remember this house... Ahh, if only I could go back."

    When Lin walking into the two skeletons home, it was completely diffrent then what she imagined. It looked... normal. As soon as she walked in she was greeted with a table to the right and a couch to the left. In front of her was the entrance to what she belieaved was the kitchen. A sink way on top of a counter that almost touched the ceiling. In front of the couch was a TV, it was an older box tv but it looked in good condition. There was also a sock on the ground she chose to ignore...for now. A little ways down was a stair case going up to a deck where you could access two more rooms.
"WELCOME HUMAN! TO OUR HUMBLE ABODE!" Papyrus said raising his hands into the air as they walked inside. Sans, of course, went over to the couch and layed down.
"aw, C'mon bro, a little cat nap never hurt no body." Sans snickerd at the pun he had just made but Papyrus made an angry grunt. Lin laughed and shook her head.
"You two are nothing alike, yet I can't imagine you two not being brothers." She said, continuing to observe them. Sans opened one of his eyes, and Papyrus turned and looked at her over his shoulder. They were both quite for a second before Sans spoke up.
"i geuss it's just in our, bones." He said. Lin laughed as Papyrus let out yet another loud scoff of anger and disapproval. Papyrus looked at the clock above the tv.
"IT IS ALL READY PAST LUNCH WE WIL HAVE DINNER IN A FEW HOURS! HUMAN, PLEASE MAKE YOUR SELF AT HOME! I WILL BE IN MY AMAZING BEDROOM!" He said walking, er sprinting up the stairs, going up two at a she heard the door to his bedroom close she froze... what as she supposed to do? She couldn't draw, Sans was asleep, or so it looked to be, as both of his eyes were closed. She took off her shoes and placed them along side her back she had been carrying on the side of the couch closest to the door. She then walked passed Sans and sat down on the couch next to his feet. She starred forward blankly, before something in the window behind her caught her eye. She hadn't even relied there was a window there until right then. She turned around and sat on her knees watching the snow fall outside. There were a few kids running around playing tag but they soon left. She blew some of her red hair out of her face. Lin didn't realize that Sans had sat up and was watching her with an amused smile.
"you bored?" He asked, she jumped and looked at him.
"A little..." Her calm fade then turned into on of shock, and she started waving both of her hands around. "It's not that your a bad host or anything like that! I-Ow!" She grimaced and put a hand over her shoulder. Sans chuckled.
"i know what you mean kiddo. wanna watch something?" He gestured to the tv.
"Oh, uh, sure." She turned around but still sat on her knees. Before sighing and sitting on the ground.
"our couch not comfy enough?" Sans said jokingly.
"What? Oh! No! It's fine its just I like siting on the ground. Always have." She admitted.
"the ground huh?" He asked a confused yet intrigued look on his face.
"Yeah, I grew up in a small house and with all of my art supplies I never had enough room sitting on the couch. So I sat on the floor. I could have sat at the kitchen table by I liked watching Jeopardy with my mom." Lin laughed remembering her youth.
"jeopardy? what's that?" Sans asked.
"Oh, it's a game show. You're told the awnser to a question and then have to geuss what the question is." She explained.
"what? how would that work?" Sans asked.
"Like, this holiday was made to scare off ghosts and demons, the awnser is, what is Halloween." She said looking up at him. He let out a 'huh' sound before turning to the tv.
"well we don't got no exciting game shows like that but we got this." He motioned to the tv and her attention was pulled back to it. There was a...robot? Maybe? It's was what looked to be somthing like a calculator and a wheel, and two arms holding a microphone in one hand. Its machanical voice rang from the tv.
"Good morning, everybody. Welcome to the MTT broadcast comeing to you live from Hotland. Today we have some juicy gosip coming from a regular monster from a regular town." He wheeled over to a hot pick chair, and to the left was a hot pink couch that held a monster on it. "What do you have for us?" The robot asked.
"Alright so, like." The monster said, she appeared be a cat of some sort. "My friend and I were, like, in Hotland looking around, when we like, saw-" the girl on tinted to talk, but Lin couldn't focus on that anymore.
"Who is that? The robot?" She asked.
"that's the big mtt. mettaton, super star of the underground. he is more of a narcissistic calculator, but, hey, what do i know?" He laughed. Lin let out a small chuckle and continued to watch the screen. He was able to keep her attention even though she didn't even care about what he was talking about. It was one of those programs that if someone put on you'd watch. It wasn't long before Sans fell alseep, maybe, she couldn't really tell. The rectangular robot continued to dance around the screen singing in a flat voice. Lin let her head rest  backwards on the couch, her green eyes boring holes in the ceiling. She felt... nothing for a second... wait! Nothing! The tugging! The tugging was gone, in fact she didn't feel it at all sense she fell down here. What was that feeling though? What brang her to this mountain? What brang her here? To the monsters. She still thought to some extent that she was in a coma after falling in the mountain. But even with that, the tugging wouldn't make sense... she sighed and started to think about possibilities but she couldn't think of anything...


"It seems as though she has caught on... will her awareness make my job easier or harder?...Hmmm."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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