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I sat at my computer waiting for my newest debunking video to upload. I was debunking the Ghost Adventures Execution Rock Lighthouse episode. While waiting for the video to upload, I began to look back through my old videos. I had my little brother, Dakota to thank for all these videos. Dakota and his friend, Anthony, had created a YouTube channel called Shortfilmzz123 in 2008. After  helping Kota and Anthony film a few of their their silly skits, I found my calling. Cinematography.
I changed my major in college and had Dakotas help me set up a YouTube channel.
We decided upon the name : Deandebunkzz123
Now a year later, I've got quite a few decent short films and a bunch of debunking paranormal evidence videos. However the paranormal debunking videos were supposed to be joke at first, but viewers truly believed that I knew what I was talking about. (Truthfully, thats not the case. Every episode I debunk is pure bull. I have no clue what I'm debunking.) Low and behold Im now well known in the paranormal community.

I clicked back to my editing software, and saw that my video had uploaded successfully. I smiled. Now all I had to do was wait for Youtube to process it. I got up from my desk and left my room. I wandered down to my kitchen and walked to the fridge. I could hear Dakota and his friends yelling in the basement. I grabbed a bottle of water, and opened it. The yelling from down in the basement grew quiet, and soon 4 boys were in the kitchen with me. Tanner, Kotas oldest friend (age wise), smiled at me.
"Hey Shorty!" He laughed.
"Sup Wiseman?" I asked as I closed the water bottle.
"We watched your newest debunk." Frankie said.
"Yeah, you roasted the guys."Connor added.
"Just wait till next week." I sassed.
The guys 'ohhh'ed and laughed.
"We were gonna head out for pizza, wanna come?" Kota asked.
" I can't. I've got a term paper to finish..." I declined their offer.
"Okay," Dakota said, kind of bummed.
"Maybe, when we get back could you help us with a skit?" Connor asked.
"I'd love to!" I smiled at the guys.
"Sweet! We'll see ya soon!'' Dakota said as he and his friends left.
"We'll bring ya back a slice!" yelled Tanner before the door shut.

The guys returned later that afternoon and we shot a very funny video.

Skeptic (Zak Bagans)Where stories live. Discover now