Chapter 7: Phantastic Day!!! (Part 2)

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*Y/N P.O.V*

       After the other line went dead, you plastered a huge smile across your face and breathed out. When you got back to Dan, Phil, and Cat, Cat and Dan were just standing there laughing. Cat had her camera pulled out in front of her recording apparently something too hilarious to not capture on camera. Looking to the side you knew exactly what all the fuss was about. Phil was stood in front of a window next to a very hairy man, the look on his face was very confused and scared.

       "Oh Jimmy! I haven't seen you in years. How's your mum?" the hairy man questioned, pulling Phil into a bear hug. "Oh sir, I'm sorry. I think you've got th-" Phil was cut off by the man. The man started laughing hysterically and coughing his lungs out. He was definitely a regular smoker. Phil starred at us with pure terror in his eyes. 

     "Oh you always have been a funny boy!" the man continued to laugh

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     "Oh you always have been a funny boy!" the man continued to laugh. "Well I've got to be going. Tell your mum I said hi, bye Jimmy!" Mr. Hairy walks away sending a wave to Phil, oh wait, sorry 'Jimmy'. Phil walks up to the camera and you can see the confused expression in his eyes. "Whelp Jimmy, where to next?" you ask Phil, sarcastically.  Phil huffs in disappointment at your sarcastic personality.

      "Well, as Jimmy over here was saying, we are going to walk around Oxford Street and do some shopping for all your souvenirs and shit." Dan replies. Cat turns off her camera and you both nod in agreement. You guys begin to walk along the street when a store with a beautiful tea set came into view. You disappeared into the store without a word to Dan, Phil, and Cat.

 You disappeared into the store without a word to Dan, Phil, and Cat

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(I actually seriously want this tea set... I love tea so much! And can you imagine drinking from this and sticking your pinky up? I know right?! So fancy!)

       The tea set was absolutely gorgeous. Without a second thought you picked up the box with the tea set in it to the cash register. The tea set was 40 pounds, pretty expensive, but very much worth it. "Here you are miss." the cash register said handing over the fancy bag and extra change. Cat walked up behind you as you were walking out of the store, "Oh nice Y/N. Cause you're totally gonna use this..." Cat pulls the tea set out of your hand, "40 pound tea set on a regular basis."

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