Chapter 21: Stay With Me

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       I know! You don't need to tell me... I am the master of posting... On time ;) Yepp... no I'm not.... Sorry... Anyways lets just get on with the story!

*Y/N P.O.V*

        You have been sitting in that same chair for the whole week and your butt began to ache. Your hand was sweaty holding onto Ryan's hand. Your head was lying back on the chair. Everyone that was here when he first got here was in the room right now. You so far, have been the only one that stayed here overnight. Y/BF/N had brought you a bag full of clothes that you can get changed everyday without having to leave Ryan alone. Each night you probably only got a good two hours of sleep and somehow the room is always freezing at night. Noticing you were freezing you asked Sean to bring one of Ryan's favorite blankets from his house and you wrapped him in it so he was comfortable. You just assumed how he felt from the way you felt, so if it was hot you would take some of the blankets off and if you felt cold you would put the blankets on him. You don't even know if he could physically feel anything but you care about him. 

     You were close to falling asleep but suddenly your eyes flew open when Ryan's hand gripped on yours, "He moved!" Everyone looked at you and then crowded around Ryan, awaiting him to wake up. You gripped his hand back, but soon after his hand faltered and he let go of the grip. Suddenly the heart rate machine sped up and became faster. Everyone looked at each other in fear and you and his mom gripped his hand tight. 

       In seconds nurses and doctors rushed into the room ushering everybody out. His mom, dad, and yourself refused to leave. A nurse went to his mom and put an arm over her shoulder to comfort her and brought her and his dad out of the room. You watched as his dad cried and his mom also cried continuously looking back at Ryan as the nurses tried to stabilize him. You continued to hold onto his hand tight, crying. 

     "Ma'am please... We need you to leave this to us...." the Doctor comfortingly touched your arm. "You said he was gonna be fine... That he would wake up soon..." you cried. "I know and I'm sorry Ma'am... We are unsure of what happened yet, but you need to let us do our job." he looked at you, again comfortingly. You finally gave in, kissed Ryan's hand and left the room. Everyone was in the hall either crying or tapping their foot on the ground, nervous. 

     Derrick noticed your unease and made his way over to you, hugging you. "As much as I hate to say this, if worst comes to worst we are all here for you. We will help you through this pregnancy and for the rest of this babies life... You are our family now and we all love you eternally..." What Derrick said made you smile. You pulled him into a hug and cried into his shoulder. "Thank you..." you commented. He nodded his head to you, smiling comfortingly.

     "I need to tell everyone else..." you said. "Yeah... You do, but I'll help and you can tell everyone when  you feel ready..." Derrick comforted you. You smiled at him and nodded. 

      You all have been waiting for thirty minutes. The doctor walked out of the room with a clipboard. You all stood up, eyes wide. "May I speak to Ryan's parents and his fiance?" The three of you walked to the doctor, fear written all over your faces. Ryan's dad had his arm placed comfortingly over his wife's shoulder. 

      "Ryan is stabilized at the moment. But he needs to go into surgery immediately... One of his blood vessels had ruptured and is now leaking into his brain." the three of you nodded your heads, crying. "We are going to go in and give him an endovascular  repair, meaning we are going to place a tube where that blood vessel is to stop the bleeding..." You nodded your heads. The doctor looked at you apologetically and made his way back in Ryan's room to get him ready for surgery.

      You watched as the nurses pushed Ryan's bed out of the room. It had been an hour of waiting. You looked at Derrick and nodded. "Uhmm guys, can I tell you something?" you stood from your seat. Everyone looked at you and nodding. "Well, I had been nauseous a lot and getting cravings... So uhhmm... on Thanksgiving I finally got-got a test... What I'm trying to say is... I'm a month and a half pregnant...." Everyone stared at you shocked. Ryan's mom rushed over to you and embraced you. She began crying. After you got over the shock you embraced her back and began crying too.

      "Thank you..." she muttered into your shoulder. She pulled your shoulders back and looked you in the eye, "Thank you so much... If I'm being honest.... We don't know where Ryan stands right now..." She began to cry more, "But this baby-" you butt in, "Babies... I'm sorry to cut you off, but its plural... I'm-we're, we're having twins. I went to the doctor yesterday and its certain..." Her face brightened up, "That's even better! We can't tell you how thankful we are." She gestured to her husband, "This is a miracle... A piece of Ryan if worst comes to worst.... He'll always be with us..." She hugged you crying even more. After a while she released you and Ryan's dad took his turn to hug you. Then Ryan's brother made his way over to hug you. Everyone else came over to hug you and Derrick cam over to pat you on the back. "See... we're all gonna be here to help you..." You nodded at him and smiled. 

       Ryan's mom and dad made there way back over to you, "Can I feel your tummy?" You smiled and nodded at her. She placed her hand on your very small bump and smiled. Ryan's dad touched your tummy. "Hello little guys... This is your kuku cane..." (I looked up Grandpa as it is pronounced in Hawaiian... Just assuming, since Sean and Ryan occasionally do this... Sorry if I'm completely wrong... Blame google!) You sat back down, putting your hand over your baby bump. 

     The doctor began to walk down the hall, holding his clip board again. Everyone stood from their chairs, nervous again. "May I speak to Ryan's parents and fiance again?" the doctor inquired. The three of you walked over nervous again.


       Sorry... That was a really short chapter... But your pregnant with twins! Hope that was a good cliffhanger though! Are you nervous for the fate of Ryan?

~Julie ^_^

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