Chapter 2

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You left the cafe and went to your car, when opened the door you noticed a figure walking down the path.It was Ichimatsu, you walked over to him and tugged his shoulder

"Hey." You said.
Ichimatsu stopped in his tracks and turned around.He stared at you with is half opened eyes curious to know why you stopped him from walking.

"Your going home right?" You asked.

"Where else would i be?" He awnsered in a a very cold tone.

"Probably in an alley.."you thought.

"Anyways since your going home, why not i take you there?I mean your place is probably far from here so its easy enough to take a ride, what do you say? "You said with a smile.

Ichimatsu just stared at you for a moment than nodded.
You both walked to your car and got in.

You drove off and you expected his house to be far but it only took five minutes. As you arrived at his place you both exited the car.

Heyyyy!!!! Sorry if its short and pretty boring but im just a bit busy. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed it i'll make chapter 3 pretty soon.
Anyways bai!

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