Chapter 6 Christmas Speacial

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Hi guys!!! Im so sorry that i havent updated in awhile its just that school is killing me and stuff but im going to try to stay alive and update this story. And hey! Christmas is around da corner and its gonna be ma birthday soon :3c anywayss here ya go!

Jyushimatsu ran up to you in with a big smile on his face.

"Hey Y/n!" He shouted "Did you know its gonna be christmas soon?"

"Oh yeah it is!" You said in excitement with stars in your eyes. (well you know.. like in steven universe.)

"I can't wait to go shopping to tomorrow!!" Todomatsu joined in "I heard that theres a big sale coming!!"

"Cool!" You said cheerfully.

You thought about the delicious food from Christmas you can think of and you drooled a little.

"Well it looks like someones hungry." Todomatsu chuckled.


"I'll tell Osomatsu and he'll think about it." Jyushimatsu replied.

"Yay!" You smiled.

A few minutes later Itchimatsu came up to you and looked at you then asked.

"What is Christmas?" Ichimatsu asked.

You looked at him in shock as you heard those words coming out of his mouth and your eyes widen.

"You. Don't. Know. What. CHRISTMAS IS??!!" You said in suprise.

DUN! DUN! DUN! TO BE CONTIUDE. We will leave it here for now. Heh and sorry its short and Im really tired ;-; so if this chapter gets past 3 votes than i will update it c:
And poor ichimatsu doesnt know what christmas is xD
Anyways i hope you enjoyed it! <3

~Suki out

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