Chapter 5

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Ok i know u guys are pissed but i have an exam next week!!! ;-; and i have to study so this chapter might be short and blame my teachers its their fault! :(
Anyways on to da chapter!

After the reunion, Choromatsu cleaned up the blood that Karamatsu left. You were bored and Todomatsu walked up to you.

"Hey Y/n!" Todomatsu said cheerfully.

"What is it Todomatsu?" You responded.

"Are you okay?Because you look down." He said.

"Im fine."You said."Just bored."

Then Jyushimatsu walked up to you.

"Y/n, remember that time we played baseball when we were kids?"

"Oh yeah! I do!" You said with a smile.


"C'mon Jyushimatsu!" Young y/n shouted. "Throw the ball!"

"Okay!" Young Jyushimatsu replied.

He swung his bat towards the ball with so much force it hitted you.

Y/n fell to the ground while holding her eye. She tried her best not to cry and Jyushimatsu ran up to her with fear in his eyes.

"Oh no! Y/n! Are you okay?! IM SO SORRY!!" He said also apologizing a few times.

"Im okay, don't worry!" You said with a weak smile.

You felt your eye and it felt kind of swollen.You didn't want to let go because you thought it would make you look riduculous.

"Let me see it." A cold tone voice said.

You turned around to see that it was Ichimatsu.

He walked towards you and you tried to back away because you didn't want him to see your black eye.

"Don't be afraid Im not gonna hurt you." He said.

You nodded and let him look at your eye and he leaned close to you. You tried not to blush but he didn't looked at it for that long.

"Is it serious?" You said sounding very worried.

"Not really but it will take awhile to heal." He replied.

"Jyushimatsu, get an ice pack." He said looking very serious.

"Alright!" He said.

Jyushimatsu ran to his house to get the icepack and came back pretty quickly.

"Here you go!" Jyushimatsu said while giving the icepack to his older brother.

Ichimatsu gave the icepack to you.

"T-thanks." You said shyly.

Ichimatsu just walked away but waved goodbye.

Jyushimatsu helped you up and making sure that you were okay.

"Are you sure your okay?" Jyushimatsu said.

"Yeah im fine don't worry about it!" You replied.


"Baseball was pretty fun before i got injured." You said to Jyushimatsu.

Ok done with ze chapter. Again guys blame my teachers its there frickin fault that i dont get to update that much but anyways i hoped you liked this chapter!

~Suki out

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