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Troye's tour

You proceeded to follow Troye through the corridor then Troye suddenly turned around to you and said, "Can I see your planner so I know what classes you have?" You then rummaged through your bag searching for your planner you felt embarrassed making Troye wait but luckily he was patient.

Ironically your planner was at the bottom of your bag. Since you had pictures of all your favorite fandoms in your bag. Then you gave Troye your planner. Then Troye opened your planner seeing a picture of Dan and Phil on the first page. He turned round to you and asked,"Is this yours?" You nodded then he gave you the picture.

"So here's your first class Fanfiction writing." Said Troye. Troye opened the door and let you look around he continued to say "Your teacher for this class is Mr. Lester but you can call him Phil. Luckily for you Phil is never strict not even when he tries to be but he's also very kind and he's a good friend but if you are mean to him Mr.Howell or Dan will give you an instant detention for offending senpai."  Said Troye .

"And here is the School Support Group run by Dan Howell he helps with the normal stuff like a Existential  Crisis or some advice on how to deal with Procrastination because he did write the book on procrastination. Dan also runs the gaming lesson at lunch with Phil. To stay on Dan's good side all you have to do is to not offend senpai."

"The next class is PROVING THE ILLUMINATI IS REAL run by our own headmistress! In the past lessons we found out one of the 5 seconds of summer members might be running the illuminati." Said Troye

"Oh right here is shipping class run by Mr.Urie or Brendon. Most people know him from the band Panic! at the disco so he sometimes teaches music. But I would like to stay on Brendon's good side since he does tend to swear often" said Troye

You continue to follow Troye but then something furry rubs on your shoulder...

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