Chapter Three [END]

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"Ok Kakeru-kun smile for the camera!" I said gleefully

"It feels really awkward... but ok..." he said embarrassed as he try to smile he's really camera conscious how cute...

"Kakeru-kun look at me!" I said as I make a silly face... and just like how I wanted, he laughed casually... "All done good job Kakeru-kun!" I told him...

"Did I show up!?" he asked worriedly

"Yes you did in the camera!" I said and smiled

"But what if... I don't show up when you print it..." he said worriedly

"Kakeru-kun is there! And I know it even if Kakeru-kun doesn't show up you're there,  I'll know and that's what matters!" I told him reassuringly...

"Min-chan..." he muttered...

"Yeap?" I asked

"Hmm nothing..." he said and shook his head

 SFX: School Bell Rings... 

"Well that's your call! I'll just see Min-chan after school I guess..." He said

"Ah Yes of course! Bye Kakeru-kun be back later!" I said and waved goodbye and went on to go to my class...

I was a little too happy today so it didn't seem so long in fact it actually just felt like the day went by so fast and now I'm off to see Kakeru-kun...

"Good Aft Kakeru-kun!" I greeted him happily

"Oh you're here!" he said and smiled

"Neh Kakeru-kun should I print the picture now so we could see it!" I asked

"Hmm no... I want you to just stay with me here... don't go..." he said kind of pleading

"Ah... Eh... Oo-okay..." I said a bit blushing... he wants me to stay!?

"Min-chan... I have to tell you something!" he said strongly...

"Hmm okay what is it!?" I asked

"I'll tell you... tomorrow... its the cultural fest... I want to see you before I go... so come here and I'll tell you... something really important..." he said and looked at me straight in the eyes as if trying to say you can't say you won't go and please you have to go... it was both scary and kindly... Like he was pleading but at the same time forcing...

"I'll surely go! It'll be the last so... I'd hate to miss the last time... I'll be with Kakeru-kun!" I told him and smiled him a reassuring smile... I'll definitely be going... I have to tell something too... But I'll tell you that tomorrow...

The next day...

"So he didn't appear in it after all..." Mamoru-san said as he inspected the photo that I was framing for the contest...

"Yeah so it seems..." I said simply

"You don't seem upset about that at all? No?" he questioned

"Kakeru-kun is in this picture... And he'll always be... It doesn't mean that something is unseen its not there... And also I was the one who took this picture and I see Kakeru-kun here even if he doesn't appear... The memory of me taking that photo... His awkward smiles... I remember everything and I'll always remember it... and cherish it forever... Mamoru-san too... I'm glad I met you both and got to talk to you both... I would never forget... definitely not..." I told him and smiled a warm smile

"Minami-san... you've changed..." he told me and smiled

"Really? I hope I changed for good then..." I said and smiled back "Oh I gotta go see Kakeru-kun I remembered I promised him to be there... are you coming too Mamoru-san?" I said as I stood up from my seat...

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