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OoOOoOOOOkay, so Hollyoaks. Just want to say that it is a British soap opera and I have a LOT of people I ship in it. The show has been a thing since 1995 (i believe) and, oh my god, ineedthiscertaincoupletohappen. So I'm just going to be describing this certain couple (THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN), and their ship name is, drumroll please, *drumroll* McNight! :DDDDDD. The 'Mc' is for John Paul McQueen and the 'Night' is for James Nightingale. Okay so lemme say James is suppose to be, as the show described once, a baddie (I know ridiculous way of saying it :,D). Now him and John Paul had an affair (as JP was dating someone else), but at one point.. JP thought that he and James had something special... yet James denied it (i cri). Later on James makes a bet with one of his friends, and it's Whoever and break up, JP and Scott (James has to do that) or Joe and Mercedes  (Jame's friend has to do that), and whoever breaks up the couple first, gets 1 pound (not a lot of money I know), but they were just doing it for kicks. Anyways.... James and JP have sex right before JP goes house hunting with Scott (i promis JP is an innocent bean.. at times..). So when James and JP somewhat talk after the sex, JP tells James that he will break it off with Scott. Then when JP is late to meeting Scott, Scott starts somewhat yelling, more of saying stuff like Why didn't you come early!? What happened?! Etc etc, when JP sees an oncoming car (longish story) and pushes Scott out of the way, resulting in getting seriously injured (no shit), so as JP is going to the ambulance James calls JP, but Scott has JP's phone, so when Scott answers he hears James say 'Have you told him yet' (or something along those lines) and Scott is confused and when James asks to talk to JP, Scott tells him JP was in a crash and was on his way to the hospital. James then immediately makes his way towards the hospital-this is where we see that James actually cares for JP-and once he gets there, Scott is at the reception desk waiting to see JP. Once some of JP's family  (cousin and Male to Female Father) along with Scott and James, the Father, Sally, tells James to go leave (remember, James isn't the most liked) and as he his exiting the room Scott stops him. And he asks why did James said 'have you told him yet?' And asked if he was talking about him and demands the truth. And rather blunty James tells him JP was late because he was sleeping with him and JP was going to break up with Scott, and then he leaves. Then Scott talks to Cleo (the cousin of JP) and Sally about what James told him and stuff, and they tell Scott that JP has to love him because he jumped in front of a car for him with no hesitation. Later on James visits JP and does that cliché movie/show scene where he talks to unconscious JP and tells him something heartfelt (the cheesiness didn't affect me because I ship them so much) and when JP doesn't miraculously wake up, James takes his hand, to which JP's fingers flinch and James calls the nurse. We see JP awake on a wheelchair being taken to some other room and him shouting to James that he his blind and he can't see. Time skip JP and Scott are through (don't feel like explaining how) and James tells JP that he wants to look after him. Drama between James and his mother, Marnie (WHO I HATE WITH A PASSION BECAUSE SHE HAS DONE SO MUCH BAD STUFF AND SHE IS SOOO MANIPULATIVE), he decides to take JP to JP mom's home instead of his (by his I mean James). Here JP pleads James to take care of him and he knows that they can work and he knows that James can learn to be a caring person, and James goes and whispers in JP's ear that he broke him and Scott up for a 1 pound bet and walks off. I was SO mad and now I really need them to get back together because they have good chemistry and stuff. And flipping Marnie told James that him and JP will end badly and stuff, being all mean.. like I just need Marnie to shut up and go somewhere else...

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