Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
I went downstairs to the lab and I saw a note on Chase's capsule.
'Went to the library, I'll be back soon. Chase.'
I didn't want Chase to leave the house! Why didn't he listen to me?! I rushed to the library and asked the librarian if she had seen Chase.
"I'm sorry sir, Chase hasn't been here for at least three weeks." The librarian said.
I quickly thanked her and rushed back home. As soon as I got back in the lab, I tried to pull up Chase's GPS locator, but all I got was Adam's and Bree's. Bree was probably with Leo, so I got in my self driving car and programmed it to go straight to Adam's GPS signal. It stopped outside a warehouse. This wasn't good. I walked in and saw Adam unconscious beside a wall. I knelt down to his side and tried to wake him up. After a few minutes without him waking up, I picked him up and set him in my car. Then I went back in the warehouse and saw Chase lying unconscious on the ground, blood flowing from his neck where his chip is...well, would be. It wasn't there. Derek. Derek must've escaped and taken Chase's chip. I moved Adam to the passenger seat, then I got Chase and I in the back. I grabbed a towel I had in my car and pressed it against his neck to slow down the blood flow. I saw Chase's eyes slowly open and then he started crying in pain.
"Shh. It's ok, calm down Chase." I soothed as I continued to apply pressure to his neck.
"It hurts!" Chase yelled in tears.
"I know. Just stay calm." I said.
"Make it stop!" Chase yelled as tears continued to stream down his face.
"I have to do this Chase. It's gonna help you." I chocked out, trying not to cry myself.
I hated seeing my kids in pain and knowing that I was causing it was way worse. The car had just parked in my garage. I picked up Chase and continued to apply pressure to the wound as I carried him, he kept crying and screaming, but I was ignoring it so I could get him settled. I set him down on a bed and then Douglas ran downstairs.
"What is going on? I was getting a snack when I hear someone screaming bloody murder!" Douglas yelled.
I gestured to Chase and Douglas got the hint.
"I gotta get Adam, I'll be right back." I said as I left the room.
I walked back to the car, picked up Adam and put him down on another bed. Then I told Eddy to do a full body scan on Adam. Meanwhile, Douglas was gently rubbing Chase's shoulder. I got a IV and put it in Chase's vain. Douglas looked away as I got out the needle, and a few minutes later, Chase was sleeping.
"What do we do?" I asked as I looked at Chase.
"Stitch up his neck. Since he's genetically engineered, we should be able to reinstall his chip." Douglas said.
"Ok. You may need to start making Chase a new chip." I said as I got out the needle.
"Got it, and please wait for me to leave before you do that. It will not end well if I stay in here." Douglas said as he left the room.
I gently turned Chase over on his stomach, and then I started.
-Time skip-
Adam's POV.
As I slowly drifted into consciousness, I saw that I was in the lab. I looked over and saw Mr. Davenport putting up some stuff. I slowly sat up.
"Davenport?" I asked as I gripped my head.
Mr. Davenport turned his head and saw me. He told me to lay back down.
"What's wrong with me?" I asked.
"You've got a pretty bad concussion, but that is pretty much it. Chase however, Derek took his chip, he's in critical condition and I'm not sure how much longer he'll live without his chip." Mr. Davenport explained.

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