Chapter 11

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Chapter 11.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
I was waiting for Adam and Leo to get back. Tasha had agreed to try and convince Bree to help us, but they had been talking for a hour. I knew it was a lost cause, but I tried to locate his GPS on his chip. Then I thought of something. His cell phone. If I could get it before it went dead, then I would be able to give Adam and Leo the coordinates and they could find him. I typed in a few things on my cyber desk and looked for his cell phone GPS. After a few minutes, it came the high school. I screamed in frustration as I slammed my hands on my cyber desk. Then I heard the garage door open and I saw Adam and Leo come in.
"Did you guys find him?" I asked.
"No." Leo said sadly.
"But Leo wouldn't look in the Chick-fil-a." Adam added.
"Enough with the Chick-fil-a! Chase is not in the Chick-fil-a!" Leo yelled at Adam.
"How would you know? You haven't looked in there." Adam demanded.
"Guys enough!" I heard someone yell.
Adam, Leo and I turned around to see Bree standing in the hallway.
"You decided to help us?" Leo asked.
"I'm only helping Mr. Davenport. Chase can die for all I care." Bree said with gritted teeth as she got in her capsule and changed into her mission suit.
I saw Tasha enter the lab and I gently pulled her away from the kids.
"Honey, what did you tell Bree?" I asked.
"That if she wasn't gonna do it for Chase, to do it for you. I don't know why she is acting out all of a sudden, but she does care for Chase." Tasha reassured me.
"Really? She said that she was only helping me and that Chase can die for all she cares." I said, flinching as I quoted my daughter.
"I don't know what is going on with her, but I'll talk to her later. For now, focus on finding Chase." Tasha said as she kissed my cheek and went back upstairs.
I went back to the kids and they all looked shocked.
"What is it?" I asked.
Leo gestured for me to turn around and I saw why they were all shocked. Derek was on my screen.
"So nice to see people concerned about a loved one." Derek smiled.
"Where is my son Derek?" I growled.
"Let's see. Short for his age, brown hair, goes by the name of Chase?" Derek asked.
"Derek, you have about five seconds before I personally Track you down and kill you." I said as I emphasized the word track so Leo could trace the phone number.
"1...2...3...4...there he is." Derek said as he moved out of the way so I saw my youngest son strapped down to a table, blood splattered on his body and unconscious.
"What did you do to my brother?!" Adam yelled.
"Donald Davenport. I want 50,000 dollars in exchange for your son. Come alone with the money and I'll give you your son. Come without or with other people, and I downsize your family." Derek said pulling out his knife and holding it to Chase's throat.
"Send me the coordinates." I growled.
"I see your step son tracking me. Just come from those. Remember, alone." Derek said as he flipped off the screen.
"Derek is up to something. Why does he need all that money?" Bree demanded.
"I don't know Bree." I said.
"He won't just give you Chase. What is he planning?" Leo asked.
"I don't know Leo." I said.
"Why don't you know?" Adam asked.
"I don't know!" I yelled in anger and frustration.
"We need to think of a plan. No way we are letting you deal with this madman by yourself." Bree said.
"Thanks." I smiled.
"Yeah. After all, you are so old he'll break you in half." Adam added.
I glared at him before we started planning to save my son.
Chase's POV.
As I slowly came to, I realized I was strapped down to a table. My legs, my head, my back and my stomach were all sore, but my left side was the worst. It was gushing out blood and every little movement made me cry out in pain. I looked up and saw Derek.
"Wha...what are you plann...planning to do wit...with me?" I asked in a shaky tone.
"You are my bargaining chip. I want money and the only way to get it is through your pathetic father. So I am using you to get it." Derek explained.
"My family will find a way to stop you." I growled.
"You don't know, do you? Your sister hates you, your brother is embarrassed by you and your step brother is just disappointed." Derek said.
"That is a lie!" I yelled.
"Really?" Derek asked as he played something over the audio. It sounded like Bree's voice.
"Chase can die for all I care."
I couldn't believe it, my sister wanted me dead? The next thing sounded like Adam.
"Look, Chase is just a little nerdy embarrassment. Let's not talk about him."
He must've tell his friends that yesterday at school. I couldn't believe it, I thought Adam and I were friends again after the first time Derek had captured me, but apparently not. The last one sounded like Leo.
"I just wish I had two cool older brothers, instead of a cool one and a nerdy annoying tattletale." No, I refused to believe it, Leo still liked me, why would he say that?
"All of that is either out of context or made up! My family would never say that stuff!" I yelled.
"Just shut up." Derek said as he picked up a needle and stabbed it into my arm. My vision immediately went blurry and started going black. Before I fully lots consciousness I was able to say.
Then everything went black, and I remembered no more.
I'm gonna be really busy tomorrow and probably won't be on much, and if I come back with glasses, well, we'll find out.
Over and out.

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