Proper Introduction And Two Zombie Visitors

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Summer's POV

We were all sitting on the floor of the huge bus, panting. Man this bitches were fast. Or me and Sky were slow runners... But that couldn't be the case since we have a lot of energy. We are dancers after all and we have to have a lot of energy.

I looked around the bus to see we were all sitting in a small living room. There was a black leather couch next to the bus wall under the small window. Across the 'room was a TV which was hanging on the wall. Under it was an Xbox, Playstation 3 and Nintendo WII. Okay who ever the heck save our asses love video games. Which made me wonder, who the fuck are these guys?

There were posters of bands hanging on the wall. Bands like Led Zeppelin, Misfits, Blink 182, Green day and even My Chemical Romance. And I'm pretty damn sure I saw a Pencey Prep poster. Who ever save out but has a really good taste in music.

I could here Sky starting to talk to the guys since I was just staring at the posters and looking around the small room in awe. Oh and the posters were all signed by the bands, thank you very much. That's so epic, I thought.

"So you're Summer?" somebody asked me behind my back. At first I didn't even process it all and the information that that person was talking to me arrived to my brain a bit slow.  I slowly turned around to see a guy with a fro talking to me. His lips were extended in a huge smile. I nodded and extended my hand. He gladly shook it to which I replied unsure about everything: "I'm Summer. He told me his name was Ray and I smiled. And thanks when the introductions began.

A guy with short/long-ish black hair and hazel eyes told me his name was Gerard to which he added with all seriousnes: "The coffee machine is mine. Do not touch it withouth my premission." After that he smiled sweetly.

Short no actually FUN-SIZED guy with hazel eyes and lip ring told me his name is Frank and I could bribe him with Skittles. I asked him if he loves Skittles and he quickly nodded. We high-fived.

The blonde guy with a snake bite saidd hello to me and told be he was BOB. He sounded like he was bored but I decide to ignore that.

And last but not least, a guy with glasses and a dark grey beanie head on his head told me his name was Mikey. I learned he loves coffee and sushi. I could also tell he was really shy and awkward. Gerard told me to ignore that too and I laughed a little.

After the proper introductions me and Sky unpacked all the food and other random stuff from our backpacks and Frank squealed when he saw Skittles. I glared at him to let him know, Skittles are mine. His eyes became actually teary so I smiled and handed the Skittles bag to him. He cheered and tore the bag open. Everyone laughed at him.

"So where do you guys stay?" Gerard asked as we sat on the couch or the floor with a cup of coffee in each of our hands.

"Well we don't actually have a home at the moment. We wanted to make a party at a random house but we thought zombies couldn't dance so that plan failed" Sky answered and everyone laughed. Including me. Only Sky could joke during this kind of situation.

I was in my own world when they started to talk about random thing including how horses should totally be unicorns and they had to fly. Weird... I was thinking about my family and if they were allright? I knew they abandod me but I still love them. No matter what. Then, I started to think about the guys and about the posters on their wall.I slowly put the pieces together. Names + posters + tour  bus + looks = "OH MY GOD YOU'RE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!" I practically screamed and they all jumped at my random burst out. I blushed and looked at the floor. Sky laughed.

"Well you're kind of fast" she said and I could just hear her sarcasm. I shook my head and stuck my tongue at her. She giggled.

"Umm yeah we're My Chemical Romance" Gerard said unsure if we really were still awesome as he thought we are before I had my random moments. I smiled.

"We like your music" I said and they all said thanks. Ray even showed me the thoumbs up. I giggled and we continued to talk. It got dark in what felt just like a second.

"Sleeping plan?" Frank asked. I looked at Sky.

"Well we could sleep on the couch if you don't mind" Sky said and I nodded and looked at all of them.They agreed.

"Ummm Sky" I whispered to her. She turned her head towards me to let me know I can continue. "Our clothes are in the car I whispered again and her eyes got wide.

"Oh shit I totally forgot about that" she said. She stroked her invisible beard with her fingers and I laughed. She always did that when she was thinking.

"Maybe we could go take it back" she said. I laughed again but this time my laughed was sarcastic.

"Yeah how? We can't ride a unicorn over there and attack zombies wth skittles and coffee" I said and she laughed.

"HEY!" Gerard and Frank whined at the same time to let us know we can't use coffee or Skittles for our weapon.

"Relax" I said as I turned back to Sky. She was stroking her invisible beard again. She's so weird... But I love her. She's my sista' from another mista'.

"I HATE YOU" I said to the guys. At the moment we were walking back over to Sky's car. The guys told us they had guns and we could use them and when we arrive IF we arrive, may I add, to the car we can drive it back to the bus. Then we would be safe.

"Would you shut up! We heard you the first 200 times" Sky hissed at me and I shook my head.

"Well guess what! I HATE YOU" I hissed back at her. This time she ignored me. Bitch. I hated when she did that!

We actually made it to the car alive we just had to shoot around 20 zombies and frank attacked one with his metal bat. We quickly sat in the car and as soon as Sky turned the car lights on, we could see around 30 more zombies randomly walking on the road. Well here's another round of knocking the fuckers over like bowling pins.

Sky started the car and we sped towards the bus. The guys were screaming like girls at the back of the car and me and Sky laughed. When we stopped at the bus we saw the bus doors wide open.

"See? This is why we lock door when zombie apocalypse happens" Frank stated. We all quietly left the car leaving the doors open. We didn't want to make any noise at all. There could be zombies in there and I don't want to be eaten, thank you very much!

We slowly walked to the bus and Bob and Ray decided to walk in since Frank, Gerard and Mikey got really scared. Even more than me and Sky and we were pretty terrified. Gerard, Mikey and Frank followed me and Sky and we followed Bob and ray in case they needed any help. You never know how many of those creeps is in there. Bob and Ray entered the bus and we stayed outside for their signal to let us know if they need any help. We heard a gun shot and some screaming which I assume was Ray since he was holding Frank's metal bat in his hand and he probably used it at that moment.

After a few second they came out, blood splattered over their clothes and faces. Ray smiled and Bob nodded. After that we high-fived and removed the zombie bodies. On our luck, only 2 creeps entered our bus so we have to be more careful next time.

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