Oops, I Dropped The Key To The Smart Zombies!

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Summer's POV

Umm... Well... We're dead! I looked around the house. Actually the apartment. It was really nice actually. The walls were red in the living room. And the floor was light brown. There was a small brown couch in the room. So was a TV, a book self full of comic books and a computer. And that's the only thing I got to see in the apartment.

I turned around to the rest of the guys who were all standing awkward in the room looking at the floor since Gerard and Chrissy were sucking their face off in the middle of the room. Okay, I get it. They both thought they were dead and they are happy to see they were both alive but seriously? I didn't actually know people could make out so hard.

I cleared my throat since those 4 bimbos were just standing there. Sky gave me a dirty look for interrupting Gerard and Chrissy but at that moment and in that situation, I couldn't care less. I stuck out my thougne to her and she just rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Sorry to interupt but we kind of need to go" I said and pointed to the door. They quickly pulledit together, so did Frank, Ray, Mikey and Sky. Chrissy ran out of the living room and returned a few seconds later with a backpack on her shoulders.

Rule number 2: Pack up your things in a small backpack!

We all walked out of Chrissy's apartment and saw zombies slowly walking up the stairs that led to the hallway we were currently standing in. Um... Oh fuck

I quickly looked around. Nothing. The hallway was fucking empty. Great. Mom, Dad, if you guys are alive, I love you and I miss you and I don't care if you left me here, I'll die anyway. Much love-

"There!" Chrissy said and started running down the hallway. We all followed her and we could all heard the moaning coming from behind the front door. Suddenly, we heard the doors being opened and moaning became louder.

"RUN!" I yelled and they all started sprinting towards where ever Chrissy was taking us. We arrived to the end of the hallway and Chrissy started running up the stairs. We were in the first floor and the building had at least 20 stories. Holy shit.

"DOESN'T THIS HAVE AN ELEVATOR OR SOMETHING?" I yelled after her as we all started running up the stairs. She laughed. how is this funny?

"TRUST ME! I WOULD USE IT RIGHT NOW IF THE GODDAMN THING WAS WORKING!" she yelled back and started running faster since the moans were really loud now. Oh god, how was I always the last one in the row? I quickly looked behind me to see a shit load of zombies actually... Wait! What the hell? They were full speed running after us. That's not right!

"UM! GUYS! RUN FASTER THEY'RE KIND OF RUNNING AFTER US!!!!" I yelled and they all started running faster.

Rule number 3: In times like these, live in a building that has a fucking elevator!

3rd floor...

4th floor...

5th floor...


7th floor...

8th floor...

9th floor...

10th floor...

Moaning... Too much fucking moaning.



14th floor...

15th floor...

BOOM! Ray threw a fucking grenade. Where the fuck did he get that from?

17th floor...

18th floor...





19th floor...

20th floor! Finally! We ran to the end of the hallway, zombies around 10 meters behind us. Chrissy ran to the very back of the hallway and actually sprinted up the ladder. Oh great, this takes a SHIT load of time! Well, I had a good life, went partying, had a best friend that rock... Met one of the bands I listened too, I can die happy!

BOOM! Another granade.

"Where the hell are you pulling them out off? WAIT! DON'T ANSWER THAT! NOW HURRY THE FUCK UP!" I yelled and I wasn't even aware I was climbing up the ladder when I strong arm grabbed my ankle. I screamed and kicked the bastard a few times with my other foot. Mikey grabbed my arms and pulled me up when the psycho with missing teeth finally dropped out and fell on the floor, squashing a few of them.

Mikey pulled me up and we fell on the ground and I landed right on top of him. He had his hands around my waist, holding me tightly to him and his eyes were closed. I quickly looked at the big metal door and they were shut closed. Gerard, Frank and Ray were sitting next to it, panting and breathing heavily while Sky and Chrissy were sitting at the other side of the roof, breathing heavily just as me and Mikey were. Man, this was the worst exercise I have EVER had!

I was still on top of Mikey and he seemed like he didn't mind. I closed my eyes, trying to regain my breath. We were all quickly interrupted by loud banging coming from the big metal door. The doors shook every time one of the bastards punch, kicked of fucking did something to it.

I looked at Mikey who finally opened his eyes and quickly got off of him. Gerard stood up and walked to the edge of the roof. When he turned around he was as pale as the walls and he just sat down on the floor and looked blankly at the floor. He was scared shit less. We all walked to the edge of the roof, including Chrissy who sat next to Gerard and hugged him tightly.

The thing we saw was just too much for me to handle. There was at least 20.000 zombies surrounding the building and they were all slowly walking inside. But there's NO WAY in hell we'll be able to get our asses out of this one. In the next split second, Frank's "Uh-oh" interrupted the silence and we all looked at him. He had his 'Oh-Shit-I-Did-Something-Really-Stupid-Right-Now' look on his face.

"What did you do? Ray hissed at him and I could see Frank got scared. A lot. He got pale just as Gerard got pale when he looked over the edge of the roof.

"Um... Well, how do I put this..." Frank started and we all starred at him in confusion.

"WellIkindofdroppedthekeytotheroofdoorstothezombies!" he said as quickly as he could and I'm pretty sure only me and Mikey got what he was saying.

"You what?" me and Mikey yelled at the same time. They all looked at us now and I looked at the ground. I never really liked people looking at me.

"I dropped the key to the roof" Frank said.

"Yeah and?" Gerard asked.

"I dropped it to the zombies" Frank whispered and Gerard smacked him over the back of his head.


"Stop yelling" I whispered. I was on the edge of crying.

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW? I FUCKING NOW! YOU THINK I DID THAT ON PURPOSE?" Frank yelled at Gerard and they were furiously looking at each other, ready to rip each other's head off.

"Stop yelling!" I whispered a bit louder and started crying. I was crying like crazy and I quickly felt two arms around my waits holding me tightly. It was Mikey.

"Could you guys stop please and help me think of a plan?" Ray said loudly but calmly. Frank and Gerard looked at him and quickly relaxed. I was still crying. I had to get it out. And I needed a shoulder to cry on. And this time, Mikey was my shoulder to cry on. He shushed me quietly as he continued to hug me. Ray and the guys were thinking about a plan and all I could do is cry.

Rule number 4: Take antidepressians with you!

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