Love notes

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Kyle and Stan, fell in love with each other in the 3rd grade and no one catched on, parents, friends no one. They never told anyone since they would think that they would be made fun of for being gay. Now usually Kyle and Stan sit next to each other everyday, cause they can never resist each other. Sometimes looking at each other during class, but the others would never really think much of it, thinking that they would look at each other for the answer, expect for Cartman. Since Cartman is the one usually making all the gay and racist jokes, about everyone. But when it came to Kyle and Stan, no one really believed him when he said, Kyle and Stan are gay. So one day, Kyle passed Stan a note, besides the fact they were stuck in a boring class, which was math. Stan wrote down his answer in the note and gave it back to Kyle. They were like this almost half way through the class until the teacher caught them passing notes, telling them "Kyle! Stan! No passing notes during a lesson! Do it again and I'll read it aloud in the class!" Stan responded "Sorry" while Kyle.. well... he didn't like the teacher nor the class so his response was "Meh sure.. if you got the balls to." Everyone gasps, while the teacher asked "What did you say?!" Kyle glared at the teacher and said "Sorry. Did I stutter? No.. I said if you had the balls too. Which you don't." Kyle immediately packed up and left the class, without another word. He walked to the bathroom, so he can hide in the bathroom for the time being. A few minutes later, Stan came in asking "Kyle you ok?" Kyle shooked his head, he looked like he was about to cry. Stan hugged Kyle tightly. Stan sighed and asked "Why did you blurt out like that?" Kyle responded "Everyone thinks that they have a right to do everything and to our privacy! Well they don't! No one does..." Kyle hugged Stan, on the verge of tears. Stan sighs and hugs Kyle a bit tighter telling him "It's alright. They wont hear from this mess or us alright?" Kyle nodded his head and looked at Stan. Stan wiped his tears away and kissed him on the cheek asking "Want me to stay with you until the day ends?" Kyle nods his head and asks "Maybe staying over at my house at well?" Stan kisses his forehead, saying "Definitely. For as long as you want." Kyle hugs Stan, while Stan comforts him until he calms down before leaving the bathroom.

(Stan X Kyle) A Secret Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now