Friday (Afterschool)

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It was finally time to go home. Stan grabs Kyle's arm and runs. Kyle almost tripped while running and told Stan "Slow down! You're about to drag me across the floor!" But he didn't care at all. He was too excited about what was gonna happen tonight. Until things got interrupted by Cartman. Stan thought to him self "God damn it Cartman! Trying to get Kyle for my self and you won't let me!" Cartman asks Kyle "So Kyle wanna hang out? I got a new game we can try out." Kyle looks at Stan, then back at Cartman saying "Sorry I gotta help my mom with the shopping today!" Without another word, Stan and Kyle were running hand in hand, but Cartman wasn't going to give up that easily. Cartman was trying to catch them, but his weight he couldn't catch them, unless there was a chance that he wish he could have. So Kyle and Stan were already outside the school, hand in hand walking. Kyle asked "So, you ready for tonight?" Stan who was greatly nervous, lied saying "Hell yea Kyle! I can't wait!" Kyle smiled and picked up Stan and carried him bridal style, saying "Well Stan we have a lot of places to get to before we get back to your house!" Stan, face fully red responded "And where is that? We have been everywhere!" Kyle smirked saying "Well never doubt me, so close your eyes and just wait." Stan sighed and closed his eyes. By the time he opened them, he was so surprised that he was about to cry. "Y-you remembered! I-i thought you forgot!" What Stan has saw was amazing. It was a whole room filled with everything Stan wanted. Stan was on the verge of tears. Kyle chuckled saying "Your welcome, besides it wasn't easy. Some stolen and some bought." Stan chuckled saying "Oh Kyle! You damn bad boy, I love you!" Stan hugged him tightly, Kyle just hugged him back saying "Well you don't have to give anything in return, besides there is like 2 or 3 gifts to cover your birthdays that I might have missed..." Stan chuckled saying "Forgiven you ass wipe" Stan looked around and played with all of his new stuff. Kyle chuckled saying "This is not even half of it, yet you seem so excited. Come on you can come back to this later. Now we have to hit all the places we have been together!" Kyle picked up Stan and carried him to the lake. Stan asked "Why are we here?" Kyle chuckled saying "Well... it doesn't matter for now, just enjoy life! Ya know the usual!" Stan shrugged and just grabbed a rock and made it skip on the lake before it sunk to the ground. Kyle looked and nodded his head, so he copied Stan. They were at this for a couple of hours, talking about life all on it's own. Kyle looked at the sky, it looked like sun set. Stan looked at the sky as well saying " Well Kyle, you know we have to be at my house by a certain time, you know that." Kyle nodded his head and grabbed Stan's hand.  Stan asked "Where are we going now?" Kyle looked over at Stan saying "Well, it's just one more place to make this day perfect for you Stan." Kyle kissed Stan on the cheek and dragged him to the park, where no one was around. Stan asked "So why are we here?" Kyle got onto one knee, taking out a ring saying "Stan... this has been on my mind for a while now,I mean we been dating for a long time, so I was thinking if your willing to marry me Stan? Not... now but later. So whatta you say Stan?" Stan was so speechless that he couldn't say yes or no!  But all he did do was nod his head and hugged Kyle tightly, having tears run down his face. Kyle put the ring on Stan's hand saying "Well I guess the day can't get any more perfect then this huh? Well I mean, I had to do that, we been together for such a long time, we might as well seal the deal!" Stan couldn't let go of Kyle after the moment. Stan sniffled saying "Kyle... can we go home now?" Kyle nodded and picked up Stan bridal style and goes home with him. Stan still trying to let the moment of what just happened sink into his head and Kyle, just being happy on what happened and what he did for Stan.

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