Friday (Day time)

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Well, no one saw Kyle or Stan run faster in their life in the morning, until today. Kyle was just dying to see Stan in their area as usual, which is on the side of the School. Stan had the same idea. They eventually got there and Kyle hugged Stan. Stan giggled and looked at Kyle saying "I missed you!" Kyle chuckled responding "So I assume, texting didn't help? But I must say, yesterday was awesome." What they didn't know was that someone was spying on them... who? Well the fat ass Cartman. He was walking to school, and looked to the side of him and saw them both. He was hoping nothing bad would come out of it, but he was still peeking none the less. But his hopes failed. He saw them kiss, Kyle holding Stan and everything else in between. Once Kyle  and Stan turned around, Cartman immediately ran for it, even though... he can't run that far. But he hoped that he ran enough so he couldn't be seen. Kyle and Stan were still hand in hand going inside the school and into class. Cartman planned to sit between Kenny and Butters so he can tell them both during class. But that back fired. Kenny and Butters just shooked their heads. Kenny, finally able to speak said "Kyle doesn't seem the type to be gay or have any love interests at the moment." Butters chimed in saying "Yea! Besides doesn't Stan like Wendy?" Kenny nodded his head. Cartman shooked his head, responding "I think it's vice versa with Wendy and Stan, but I'll prove that they are gay!" Kenny,Butters,Stan and Kyle just rolled their eyes thinking Cartman is insane. Insane but correct. Stan dragged Kyle to the boys bathroom without Cartman noticing. Kyle asks Stan "What are we gonna do?! If Cartman finds out we are so dead!" Stan paced back and forth trying to come up with an answer. Until he finally came up with one. He told Kyle "Then we're moving. I don't know where but somewhere."
Kyle sighs, asking "But that's legit fucking forever..." Stan sighs and nods his head. But tells Kyle "Well... It's all we got dude..." Kyle sighs and sits down, having his back against the wall. Stan goes next to him and hugs him, then leans in forward and kisses him. Kyle kisses him back, despite the tears that are running down his face. Stan wipes the tears off his face saying "Kyle it's ok! It'll turn out ok. I promise you." So Stan took Kyle by the hand and went to Class, sat next to him and passed him notes when the teacher wasn't looking, to calm him down for the rest of the day.

(Stan X Kyle) A Secret Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now