Predictions? Chapter 499

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Literally Guys we know some parts of the chapter, meaning Juvia sacrificing herself. Okay this is the one book the like I'm totally gonna be working on and getting my anger out and EVERYTHING. Anyways I feel Juvia might stay dead for a couple chapters then come back in my opinion. But, didn't hiro mashima say in a interview that something will happen to Juvia and said it's a secret? Or was that False? Even if Juvia died, she would come back. Shippers are crazy, saying they would go to japan and kill hiro bc of her dying. I mean it's his story let him kill all the damn people he wants. Seriously Juvia dies, Juvia dies. Also the ship with it. But I am gonna be sad if Juvia dies, because I started liking her as a character a lot. But it seems something might happen to her in the future. Comment what you thjnk what would happen to her?

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