Fuck my Life

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Tbh I hate everyone jkjk I love you guys and my friends but this mother FXCKING dude aka my ex is so damn confusing! Like I told my damn feelings to him and he just said something then walked away then he texted my friend and said some other shit like she needs to know I don't have feelings for her and I start crying and shit I cried so much this damn week that I feel I have no more tears left. Today he came up to me like heyy guys like nothing fucking happened and I just ignored him and he tapped my shoulder and smiled and I'm like THE FUCK YOU TRYING DO and I wanna like kill him💀. He asked me if he can tell his damn girlfriend about my feelings and he said that you probably doesn't matter if there's drama cause you got over me right? BOI WHAT THE FUCK YOU DONT KNOW HOW DAMN FEELINGS WORK.  Like 2 days later like tf you think a girl gonna get over you. NAH DUDE IT NOT HOW IT WORK. The tf I'm going to kms but I love him so much💀 BAIXNDIWJDIENWKSN anyways I'm having a new story coming out. But it's going to be what's happening to me but in Grayza form.

Anyways see ya later dude and dudettes❤️

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