A Shouting Star

704 22 13

Allison's P.O.V

I've gotten a far enough distant from my dad. I decided to just walk from now on instead of running. I didn't know where to go... What to do... Who to talk to... I... I didn't have anything planned out...

I'm just a mess. A rotten mess. When I looked around the place, it just looked unfamiliar to me. Dad never took us out. We never had family activities. We never even all had a talk together. Just because the day I was born, was the day mom was killed. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't born. What would it be like if I wasn't born.

Nicole, mom and dad would be happy. Dad would still have mom and be happy. Nicole wouldn't have to worry about me. I kept thinking of things about if I wasn't born, everyone would be happy. I started to just cry.

Maybe dad was right.

I'm nothing but a good for nothing useless little dumb girl. Maybe I should just go bac-

"What the freak!?" I heard a voice that was in a house nearby. I looked at the side and saw that there was a light. I let my curiosity take over me as I went over and looked inside of it, seeing that it was a window with open blinds.

There was some guy that had a lots of technical equipment around him. Well, not alot. But it did look confusing of what he had. It looked like he was playing a game on a computer. From here, it looked scary.

It looked like he was in a a dark house and running. Every so often, there was a sudden flash as I jumped with each one that came. Then he looked back in the game and saw that someone chasing him. He jumped and leaned towards the computer and started to run.

"Get your ankles broken, boy!" He shouted while starting to press some keys on the keyboard he was using to run from what was trying to get him.

Then a screen on the computer said that "You're Dead" and the guy jumped when he got the screen all of a sudden. I couldn't but laugh a bit for his silly actions.

When he was done freaking out, he then looked at the camera and started talking to it, ending the talk with a motion of his hand acting like they're slicing something and turning off the camera.

I'll sleep right beside his house. At least I know he won't try something.... I hope.

Cory's P.O.V

Great. Another video done. Maybe no horror game tomorrow. I always stay up late from these games.

When I ended the recording, I then looked at Sam who came up to me and was panting. I rubbed his head and he barked a bit and I stood up. "Guess we should get some sleep, huh? Well don't worry. This video just got a little editing to do, then I'll be in the room, okay?"

He went away as I pulled up my editing program and started to edit the video. I wanna see what everyone say tomorrow about this video.

The Samurai Who Got To My HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora