Episode 1

925 28 69

[Setting: The main house. Jesy, Perrie and Jade are seen in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.]

Jesy: (to the others upstairs) Guys! Get down here already. It's 7 in the morning!

Jade: (to Jesy) You know they could still be sleeping right?

Jesy: I know. That's why I yelled. (subtly flips hair)

Louis and Niall came down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Louis: (walking in, speaking nonchalantly) Hey guys.

Niall: (walking into the kitchen, yelling very exaggerated) Good morning everyone!

Perrie: (annoyed) Damn it, Niall! You yelled right in my ear.

Niall: (walks over to Perrie, cuffs his hand over her left ear, the same one that he yelled in, speaks in a quiet whisper) Good morning. Is this better? (pulls his hand away from Perrie's ear.)

Perrie: (stares at Niall, speaks sarcastically) No, yeah. That's so much better. My hearing is definitely not damaged anymore.

Niall: (walking away, speaks jokingly) Whatever. If your hearing is damaged, I'm not paying for treatments.

Perrie: (jokingly) Yes you are. You're the one who caused the damage.

Liam and Harry walked into the kitchen and sit down at the table with Niall and Louis.

Jesy: (checks her phone, speaks somewhat angrily and anxiously) It's 7:05! Where's everyone else?

Harry: Jesy, calm down. It's not that late.

Jesy: (stares at Harry) Not that late? I work as a school teacher! Classes start at 7:55 and I have to be at the school before 7:30!

Louis: (to Jesy) What grade do you teach again?

Jesy: 8th grade math and 8th grade health.

Liam: (to Jesy) The 8th graders will be fine if you're late. They have friends and cellphones right?

Jesy: Yeah.

Niall: (to Jesy) They'll be fine. They can just take stupid selfies of themselves with Snapchat and stalk celebrities on Instagram.

Jesy: I don't care! I can't be late.

Zayn calmly walks into the kitchen. Jesy stomps over to him.

Jesy: (loudly yelling) Where the hell have you been?! It's 7:07 in the morning! Are you trying to piss me off right now?! What the hell have you been doing?!

Everyone else turns to look at Jesy.

Zayn: (holding his hands up defensively) Damn! Calm down. I just walked in (puts his hands down)

Jesy: I know. But I can't be late. (starts talking rapidly) Because the last time I was late... (continues to speak rapidly, too fast to understand)

Zayn: Jesy. (puts his hands on the outside of her arms, right below her shoulders) Calm down. You'll be fine. I mean--

Jesy: This doesn't make me feel better.

Zayn: (taking his hands off her) I know. I just wanted you to stop yelling.

Zayn starts to walk away, but Jesy stops him by putting her hand on his chest, pushing him back a little.

Jesy: Wait. (crosses her arms across her chest) Where's Leigh-Anne?

Zayn: Um... I don't know. I think she's still asleep or something.

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