Chapter 11

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"Daniel Howell. You could get expelled for this." The head teacher practically yelled, not even stuttering. Dan was still crying but it wasn't because he was angry, it was because he was genuinely upset. He didn't want to be expelled. At all. "I can't believe you. You're always such a good kid, what happened?"

"I didn't mean-" Dan started, his voice shaking. He was cut off.

"It doesn't matter if you meant it. Chris is with the nurse right now because of what you did. Imagine how your parents are going to feel when they get here."

"Please don't tell them."

"We have to. Trust me, they have to know about your expulsion."


"Stay here. I'll be back."

The head teacher came back with Dan's parents behind him. They both looked more than disappointed but their faces softened when they saw Dan's tear-stained face.


"What he did was extremely serious, Mr and Mrs Howell." The head teacher said.

"We are aware but Dan wouldn't have done that without a reason. He's a good kid." Dan's dad responded, just as Dan sniffed.

"Okay then. Dan, why did you hurt Chris?"

"I-" Dan looked at his parents then at the head teacher, as if to  check if it was okay for him to speak. "He was being rude." Dan mumbled, his voice almost inaudible.

"What did he say?" Dan's mum pressed, determined to prove her son innocent.

"He called me a freak." Dan sniffed.


"Dan, you're a good kid, I get that, so I don't think it's a good idea to exclude you. You will have to attend weekly detentions for the rest of the year."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Dan was no longer crying because he was no longer getting excluded!


"We'll properly talk about this in the morning." Dan's dad muttered, deciding to head up to bed.

Dan didn't follow. He left straight out of the front door and walked down the path. Stars guided his way and lit up the world (along with the streetlights, of course).

Dan reached the hill and eagerly climbed to the top. He laid down and looked up at the beautiful shapes in the sky. He spotted the full moon and wow, it was beautiful.

Little did he know, his soon-to-be best friend was looking up at the same sky.

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