
349 15 4

Hayley-14 Annie-17
Katie-14 Brennan-17
Mia-14 Amanda-17
Arden-14 Emily-17
Sydney-14 Liv-15


Hayley only trusts probably 1 out of 3 of her real life friends and lives in the shadow of her sister Annie as she thinks her life is perfect...which it's not. As Hayley grows up she begins to stress out more and wish she could just be on Internet all day...but she can't. Her best friend lives 173.7 miles away from her, 2/3 friends from school are so sarcastic you can never tell when their joking and the other friend she trusts but is not the best person to talk to when your upset. Hayley and her best Internet friend, Katie fangirl over the 15 year old beauty fashion vlogger, 'Simply Liv' and would rather rewatch all her videos 3 times then go to the mall with the people from their school. But who cares right? Or at least thats what Hayley thought...
NEW FANFIC!!! I really didn't like my other one so I deleted it, sorry. But i'm really excited for this one so stay tuned!! xx

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