the giver: epligoue

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“Mr. Johnson! Its good to see you again.” Lexi said giving him her dazzling smile.

“Ah Lexi, what brings you around here?” Mr. Johnson asked.

“well sir, we actually need a favor from you.” Xavier continued.

“anything for you dears,” Mr. Johnson replied smiling.

“well we need to borrow your biggest plane.” Lexi finished.

“for what may i ask?” Mr. Johnson asked feeling intrugied by what they were planning.

Lexi, Xavier, and Jonas told them the whole story.

“oh well! I'd be happy to help you guys.” Mr. Jonhson said.

“oh wonderful!” Lexi said smiling.

“come on lets see who else we can recruit” Xavier said leading them away.

“Bye, Mr. Johnson” Lexi said waving.

“see ya soon, kids” he said and went to get the plane ready.

“we can go to the townhouse, its always filled with people.”Lexi said leading them.

Once they reached the Townhouse Lexi got on the podium that was always there and cleared her throat.

“ladies and gentlemen i have an announcement to make” she began. once everyone was looking to see what Lexi had to say she continued “late at night, yesturday my brother was out and came upon this boy, Jonas and a baby, Gabriel. They came fro the society across the river.” everyone gasped and the whispering began.

Lexi and later Xavier explained how the officials ran our society.

“we need you guys to help us.” Xavier said.

“I'll help!” one guy from the crowd said.

One by one they all strated to line up.

“I'll go see if Mr. Johnson has the plane ready” Xavier told Jonas.

“come on Jonas, lets tell each person their job and what they have to do in order for this to work” lexi said grabbing his hand and leading him to the first person in line.

One by one Lexi and Jonas told each their task and what they have to accomplish. They are all crucial to the plan. If one of them fails they are all done for.

The giver: EpilogueHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin