the giver: epilogue

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“alright so we all march in and demand for them to listen?” Lexi confirmed.

“Exaxctly!”Xavier said

“what if they deny?” Jonas asked.

“we won't leave until they do.” Lexi answered.

“but we can't just walk into anothers territory and just tell them to liste, were about to ruin everything they had for the past decades i don't think they'll just listen to us.” Xavier said thoughtfully.

“but we have the element of suprise by our side, they won't expect us so they won't be ready.” Jonas said smiling.

Jonas, Xavier, and Lexi were confirming their plan as they were about to board the plane and head over across the river. In a few hours they were already there. They decided to wait until morning to march in so they could get some rest.

Once morning came they were all ready, everyone was assigned a job, and thye headed over.

Once they reached the gate, they were planning to demand the gaurd on duty to open up but to Jonas suprise and everyone else not only was there one gaurd but he had friends with him.

One of them smirked “hey jonas, thought you could get away?” one of them said.

One by one they were being captured.

Xavier was taken by one gaurd and Lexi by another.

“you Jonas are going to be released soon” said the same gaurd taunting him.

Where did he go wrong?

Had he not thought this through?

Everyone that had come here to help Jonas and his society was put inside a jail cell.

Everyone but Jonas, Xavier, and Lexi.

They were probbably going to be killed.

“what do we do with these three?” the gaurd that taunted Jonas asked another.

“lets just throw them in a cell and wait for more others.” he answered.

Jonas thought this was his chance. They could still succeed.

“Don't you see? They're treating you like dogs. They say bark and you bark, they say jump and you jump.” he said.

“shut up, you don't know what you're talking about” one gaurd said.

“he doesn't?” Lexi asked “Ore are you just refusing to believe whats right in front of your face?”

“we can help you gain your freedom” Xavier said pleading with his eyes.

“ENOUGH! Enough with this nonsense!” the head official said.

“you, Toby” he said to one gaurd “will take the young girl and the boy with the rest of them”

“and Alex, take young Jonas here to the realesing room” he said with a smirk.

Once again Jonas had failed.

He was done for, and so was everyone else that had come here.

The giver: EpilogueWhere stories live. Discover now