the giver: epilogue

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“Please, sir, don't do this!” Lexi begged knowing it was useless but what more could she do.

“you pathetic girl, why would you think i would listen to you?” the gaurd, Toby asked.

“Because i can tell you whats out there, everything you're missing out on. The color, the magic, its all beutiful, this is not a way to live.” Lexi said looking at him intently with her Emerald eyes.

For once in his life Toby was speechless. He had grown up doing as everyone said, as everyone had expected him to do so, could he stop now?

“think about it, please.” Lexi begged.

“oh Jonas, we're going to have so much fun” said Alex smirking.

How could one person have so much bad in them?

“Alex, you don't have to do this.” Jonas said hoping to convice him.

“ i can help you, we all can, we can show you whjats really out there, you don't have to have everything decided for you, you can make your choices. You just have to let me go.” Jonas continued.

Alex stopped “ what if you fail, im surely gping to get realesed if you fail. I can't put my life on the hands of a 13 year old boy.” he said.

“ i was to be the next reciever, i was to hold all the memories, thewhole society put their memories on me, why can't you trust me enough to know that i won't fail?” Jonas asked.

“thankyou sir! You won't regret this!” said Lexi giving Toby one of her dazzling smiles.

“come on Xavier, lets gp see if we can find Jonas.” Lexi said.

The gaurd, Toby, had let them go, now all they had to do was find Jonas and see if they could convince some of the adults about what truly is happening.

“Jonas i'm sorry, but i can't you're putting many peoples lives on risk here.” Alex said.

He really was sorry but he could't just let some teenage boy destroy what the society has been working on for decades. He grew up here, this was his home.

“wait here” Alex said and left the room, and Jonas alone, he had to find a way out, he had to escape, he couldn't let his friends die, Gabe, Molly, Xavier, Lexi and many others were all stuck in a cell because of him.

The room was empty, white, lifeless.

“pshht, Jonas, over here” someone said. He turned around and saw asher.

“Asher! What are you doing here?!” he whispered at him.

Asher quickly locked the door, thye all know you're here, rumor has it your about to be released i wanted to checkfor myself” he siad.

“come on, i'll help you escape, but you have to explain everything.” he said.

Jonas once again felt hope.


“were do you think they have taken him?” Lexi aske d=her brother.

“Lex, i think we should inform the adults whats happening, instead of looking for Jonas, we might die looking for him, we can talk to people first then find Jonas” Xavier said thoughtfully.

“What if they kill Jonas first?” Lexi asked.

“well, i think they will ask bhim questions, you knwo about what he was planning and where he went while he was gone.” Xavier replied.

Lexi nodded “Alright then.” she said.

Jonas had just finished explaining to Asher about everything, about the giver, the society, and the winders of the world.

“wow!” said Asher clearly amazed.

“ i need you to help me talk to everyone so we can then free everyone thats stuck in the cells” Jonas asked hoping his loyal friend will help him once again.

“no problem” he said.

Xavier and Lexi did their share of adults and Asher and Jonas did theirs and they now had a bunch of people wanting to revolt, wanting their freedom.

“what now?” Asher asked Jonas.

“we need to find avier and Lexi” he responded.

“Jonas!” Someone screamed from behind him.

It was his moher.

She ws next to him with Liliy and his father.

“is it true, what they are all saying?” she asked him.

Jonas nodded “yes, it is.” he replied

his mother nodded, “i'll do everything in my power to help” she said smiling down at him.

He looked at them one more time before leaving with Asher to find his friends.

He spotted Lexi's dark, black hair, which was hard to miss.

“Lexi!” he screamed and istantly she looked up and they locked eyes.

They caught up to each other.

“so everyone know knows all we have to do now is free the poeple from the cells and they can now go free and beyond the river.” Xavier said.

Jonas nodded.

“Lets go.” Lexi said 

The giver: EpilogueWhere stories live. Discover now